What we've learnt from Focus Home Interactive's new trailer for the upcoming adventure RPG

Fable meets Skull & Bones - that's the overall feeling that we get when looking at GreedFall, the upcoming adventure RPG developed by the team behind Gray Matter and Mars: War Logs.
Ahead of its release next month, Spiders and Focus Home Interactive have released a overview gameplay trailer showcasing many of the intriguing features that the game has to offer. In a fictional land filled with rivalling factions, magic and monsters, players will embark on dangerous quests to forge their own destiny.
Here, we look at the five key points from the overview trailer and what gamers can expect.
Three's the magic number

As you embark further into the world of Teer Fradee, you'll come across a number of factions and characters within each one. In GreedFall, players will be able to choose up to three companions to join you on your quest.
Each character can be customized by the player such as changing their armor, and building strong relationships with these characters through quests and combat can result in a strong ally, and even romance!
With a number of factions in play, you won't be able to please everyone, so be wary of spending too much or too little time with members of your party.
A customized experience

As with the vast majority of RPGs, GreedFall will include in-depth character customization, allowing players to choose their gender and physical appearance. At the beginning, you'll also choose your starting class from one of three options - Warrior, Technical and Magic - each has its own starting skills, recommended attributes and recommended talents.
If you're wondering whether the class that you chose at the start of the game is the right one for you, don't worry, players can mix and match attributes and skills within all three classes. The game also has a deep crafting system with hundreds of customizable pieces of equipment, clothing and armor - which allows you to tailor your look and stats to suit your own playstyle.
Pause for thought

So, you're in battle and things are getting a bit tricky with the amount of enemies that have suddenly pounced onto the battlefield... never fear, the pause button is here!
GreedFall features a unique Tactical Pause Option, which allows players to (you've guessed it) pause the game mid fight and select from your Actions, Spells, Techniques and Potions to choose key items and skills to claim victory. Better still, the pause option has unlimited time and allows you to pan around the battle to get a better look at what you're up against, your enemy's level/rank and their current health status.
Unleash Fury!

Players can deliver more damage, and fatal blows in some circumstances, with a little help from Fury, GreedFall's core combat ability. This potent resource, when charged up, delivers some of the most powerful attacks in the game.
Whichever class you choose, Fury will bring out the best in your abilities, helping you inflict damage on your opponents that, shall we say, stings about.
There's always a way...

GreedFall lets you decide how to approach many scenarios in your own unique way, including gaining entry to buildings and faction settlements, and reacting to other characters' decisions with split second choices.
One example shown in the overview trailer was the player attempting to enter a building that is heavily guarded. One straightforward plan is to unsheathe your weapon and hack everyone to bits - which will have a knock on effect on you reputation with that faction and the local area - or you can take the diplomatic approach to gain entry.
Increasing your science level in the Talents section can help you gain knowledge on how to create explosives to breach walls, while learning how to lockpick will keep the bloodshed to a minimum and allow you to sneak in without being detected.
Negotiating ransoms and using the right intuition option in conversations will also help players progress - and you'll also need to be mindful of the companions you take with you on quests as their decisions may not necessarily be your preferred option.
GreedFall releases on September 10th 2019 for PC and console. Pre-order your Steam PC key from Fanatical now and you'll receive the Adventurer’s Gear Pack as a pre-order bonus!