5 Spells I Hope You Can Cast in Hogwarts Legacy

5 Spells I Hope You Can Cast in Hogwarts Legacy

By  Mike Crewe - 10th Jun 2022

It’s LeviOsa, not LevioSA!

5 Spells I Hope You Can Cast in Hogwarts Legacy

1. Tarantallegra

What could be better to embarrass and annoy a Slytherin student than a spell nicknamed “The Dancing Feet Spell”? Causing the target’s legs to spasm out of control in a wild dancing motion, this could serve a more practical use when duelling! It also works on inanimate objects, which could turn feasts in the Great Hall into complete chaos!

2. Flipendo

2. Flipendo

Fans of the first few Harry Potter videogames will know this jinx well. Flipendo is used to knock someone back as well as pushing heavy objects with ease. Perfect for clearing crowds of students out of the way so you can be first into Honeydukes, but I’d most like to see this included so that my character can wail “Flipendo!” at every given opportunity.

3. Langlock

Every open-world videogame has repeating lines of dialogue that can really grate on the player. Langlock could be a solution for this admittedly minor issue, as it’s a jinx that causes the victim's tongue to stick to the roof of their mouth. It even works on ghosts, so watch out Peeves! Once again, this spell could be genuinely useful in a duel. Most opponents wouldn’t be able to cast a spell on you if they can’t talk now, can they?

4. Glisseo

4. Glisseo

Hogwarts has way too many staircases. You’d think a school full of some of the world's greatest spellcasters could perhaps think up a way to incorporate a quicker means of travel throughout this giant castle. Well Glisseo may just be the answer for those fast-travellers amongst you, as this incantation turns staircases into slides! Not only useful for getting to class on time, but also has the potential to ensure a few laughs as you send a group of students hurtling down to the bottom of one of Hogwarts’ many staircases.

5. Redactum Skullus

A dark charm featured in LEGO Harry Potter that will no doubt be the main source of my amusement if it’s included in this game. The spell causes its target's head to shrink to a fraction of its normal size, and would be sure to cause all sorts of headaches for the poor, innocent students. Alternatively you have Engorgio Skullus, which does exactly the opposite and swells a person's head to a size that makes it impossible for them to stay upright!

So there we have it, five spells that whilst maybe not the most practical, will certainly create some mischief in Hogwarts Legacy!

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