Anthem 2.0 - BioWare sets out plans to 'overhaul' the action RPG

Anthem 2.0 - BioWare sets out plans to 'overhaul' the action RPG

By  Sam Jones - 18th Nov 2019

What's going on behind the scenes?

Anthem 2.0 - BioWare sets out plans to 'overhaul' the action RPG

Anthem blew us away with its E3 gameplay trailer back in 2018 - which helped it scoop 'Best Action Game' at the event - but some were disappointed by the final product that arrived in February this year.

Now, BioWare and parent company EA have vowed to bring the action RPG to a new level, one that the majority will hopefully love, with a complete 'overhaul' reportedly taking place in the near future. The story broke on Kotaku's site regarding the plans to work on 'Anthem 2.0' or 'Anthem Next' as its allegedly being called.

It is said that BioWare has 'dozens if not hundreds' of developers from its offices across Austin, Texas and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada working on the overhaul in secrecy, as no official news has been released publicly regarding what the overhaul will entail such as new features, alterations to current gameplay like quests and loot, or whether it will be launched as a large expansion-like upgrade or in bite-size chunks.

Kotaku's News Editor Jason Schreier spoke to a number of people who were 'familiar' with the plans for the overhaul, all of which were not named.

One of which said “We spent a few months just tearing it down and figuring out what needed to change fundamentally (a lot)... And we’ve been rebuilding for another few months since.”

Another of the contacts spoke about potential plans to tweak the map as well as the need to return to Fort Tarsis, the central hub of Anthem.

“We’re also looking at breaking up the need to go back to [Fort Tarsis] after every mission,” the person said, “and what a mission technically is. That was always a weird disconnect. [We’re] trying to integrate the disparate parts of the game together.”

Time will tell as to what happens with Anthem and where its future lies, but BioWare seems pretty darn focused on making sure that the game hasn't sang its last hymn (little anthem synonym joke for you there). Meanwhile, BioWare has already teased that its devs are working on looks set to be Dragon Age 4, in addition to the new Mass Effect game that is in early development with BioWare's Edmonton office - under the leadership of producer Mike Gamble.

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