Are Mystery Bundles legit - your myths debunked!
Jun 19
An inside look at our fantastic Mystery Bundles and why you'll love them

Mystery Bundles are one of our most exciting offers that allow us to provide you with great games, at the best value prices, in a unique way!
But...we’ve noticed some theories going around and some questions you’d like answering, so here they are... our Mystery Bundle myths debunked.
Is Fanatical legit?
We know what you’re thinking, it’s that age old saying of ‘If something is too good to be true then it probably is’. However, our mission here at Fanatical is to deliver quality products to people who are, well, ‘Fanatical’ about entertainment - as well as those of you who are looking for the best possible value!
Unlike some other sites, we pride ourselves on having 100% legit game Steam PC and Mac keys with no dodgy overseas practices going on, such as ‘Grey keys’.
To do this, we work hard to have direct relationships with all our publisher and developer partners such as Bethesda & Ubisoft to give you 100% official game keys within our Mystery Bundles.
Why do we run Mystery Bundles?
Our customers and partners love Mystery Bundles, it's a fun and unique way to discover new must-play games at unbeatable value, and it's a game in itself… what’s not to love?!
There is NO gambling involved and, on top of that, we also run competitions to give you an opportunity to get your hands on even more goodies!
Are Mystery Bundles full of stock we want to get rid of?
No way! When a Mystery Bundle starts out in life, it is carefully curated by our expert team who only use the best handpicked titles that are bespoke to each bundle recipe. Our ‘Bundle Gurus’ rise at 4am to do yoga and meditate on the lawn. Then sing historical Tibeten hymns lovingly to each Mystery Bundle, before it is sent out into the world for your enjoyment - much like the same grapes can be used to make different and unique fine wines, as can some games for bundles. The added bonus of Mystery is that you don’t quite know what the flavors will be, but you know it’s going to be good.
We’re always talking to your favorite publishers to try and secure new titles to add to our bundles. Our latest Mystery Bundle had 60 unique titles added to it that have never been in a Mystery Bundle before!
How does a Mystery Bundle work?
When the best possible games have been chosen for the best possible deal (and after it’s been sung to of course) then, and only then, is it time for the Mystery Bundle to venture out into the world. The games are then randomly mixed together into packs, so that even we don't know what you’re getting!
After you’ve chosen your Mystery Bundle to take home, the hidden game keys are added to your account area, waiting to be discovered. The final step is the most exciting - revealing each key to see what new games you have received.
Why don’t we reveal what games are in the Mystery Bundles?
We do this to give you the best deals we can!
There’s no attempt to pull the wool over your eyes; but to be able to include many of the amazing games on offer in our Mystery Bundles, we agree confidentiality with our developers and publishers that we won’t reveal what titles will be included. Plus, if we revealed all the games available it wouldn’t be a mystery, and where’s the fun in that?
“Tell us the games though!” we hear you cry...
For our future bundles, we’ll see if we can break a few secrets and let you know some of the games we’re including (Shhhh, don’t tell anyone though).
Are Mystery Bundles good value for money?
Yes...yes they are *nods knowingly*
But if you needed any more convincing that the Mystery Bundles are great value for money, the majority of our customers will get hundreds of dollars worth of games in a Mystery Bundle for a fraction of the price.
It’s because of our trusted relationships with developers, and agreeing to keeping some of their games a secret, that we’re able to provide you with 100% legitimate AAA and Indie games - competitively priced and unrivaled on value within our bundles.
Do Mystery Bundles really contain AAA titles?
Yes, we even buy the Mystery Bundles ourselves to see what we’ll get!
We can’t give you the exact odds because all our bundles are so different, we’d need an expert maths team to figure them out. Besides, we’d much rather spend our time creating the best possible deals for you.
What we can tell you though is how many AAA keys are waiting to be uncovered in each one, so you know there’s going to be some good stuff in there. So from now on, we’ll try and tell you how many AAA titles are available for each Mystery Bundle - deal?
Why don’t we reveal Mystery winners?
Perhaps we haven’t been quite so on the ball with this one. We’ve been so busy working on the next exciting bundle for you, that we haven’t given you big updates on who’s discovered the recent Mystery Packs, etc. In future, we will update you on who’s won, providing they’re happy to be featured on our social media channels of course ;)
Have your say on our Mystery Bundles
Love them or hate them, this is your chance to have your say on our Mystery Bundles. What you like to see more of? What would you like to see less of? What would you change to make Mystery Bundles the best thing since Pac-Man?