Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with our gaming heroes

In recent years, video games have toured Mexico, Puerto Rico, Central and South America and Cuba looking to cast their stories in these pockets of beauty.
Each locale features gorgeous scenery and long storied histories which pass through politics, mythology, and art. The people of these places are the lifeblood - a thumping pulse which flow through towns and cities bringing vibrance and energy.
To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month for 2021, we thought we'd cast our eyes over some of the greatest Hispanic video game characters. There are so many who could have made this list; who would make yours?
Rico Rodriguez - Just Cause

One of the features of modern entertainment is the focus on South America’s criminal history or its political turbulence. These backdrops have given us many hours of drama and action; none more explosive than the Just Cause series.
Rico Rodriguez has had many jobs - CIA operative, spy, assassin and… F1 driver?! He is a man of many roles and most of them involve copious amounts of C4 and a parachute. We just love this liberator of the people.

Colorful hacker Sombra came to Overwatch in 2016 and instantly became a fan favorite. While the meta changes all the time, Sombra will always be a great hero for her abilities to disrupt enemy teams and generally cause trouble by disappearing from sight.
Real name Olivia Colomar, Sombra (which means Shadow) is best controlled aggressively, zipping around maps and peppering foes with her machine pistol.
Dominic Santiago - Gears of War

Tragic hero of Gears of War, Dom had a brilliant storyline which saw him hunting for his wife after the invasion of the Locust. Dom, along with Marcus, gave us a wonderful three-dimensional character who moved through macho banter to heartbroken monologues.
Dom was the central figure in one of the most memorable scenes to appear in modern gaming. Anyone who played Gears of War 3 only need to hear ‘Mad World’ by Tears for Fears and it takes us straight back!
Miles Morales - Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Ahhh, Insomniac’s ace in the hole. Appearing briefly in Spider-Man, Miles finally got his own (albeit short) game recently.
Everyone loves Miles for what he stands for and for what he represents; Miles was the first non-white Spidey and the character to not only shake up the comics, but also film and games. Young Morales stepped into big tights but has done so with his own flair and a bunch of new superpowers.
The future is bright for the Spider-Man games franchise.
Juan Aguacate - Guacamelee!

Guacamelee!'s Juan Aguacate is a simple farmer, thrust into a world of adventure when his childhood friend, and daughter of the president, Lupita, is kidnapped. Juan is killed in the kidnapping trying to protect his friend.
It's in the afterlife he meets Tostada, who hands him a luchadore mask, turning Juan into a powerful brawler. Back from the dead, Juan punches, kicks and throws his way through many, many enemies to rescue his friend.

Another fighter from the TEKKEN series, but one who has been around since the very beginning. King is a Mexican wrestler, known as a luchadore.
This stand out character was instantly popular because of his jaguar mask. King has appeared in two iterations - King I and King II - and was known for supporting orphans across the world as he grew up on the streets of Mexico.
While he may not be the most popular character nowadays, he will always be a fond favourite for being larger than life in the first few games.
Luis Sera - Resident Evil 4

Poor, Luis. From joining the Los Iluminados' research department and then actually trying to thwart its plans, to then being killed by one its notorious leaders... it wasn't an easy ride for him.
Dr Sera is a comical, side-kick-esque character that Leon comes across in his adventures during Resident Evil 4, and at one stage the duo actually fight alongside each other when attempting to keep the keep the Plagas-infected villagers at bay from breaking into their temporary safehouse and abducting the US President's daughter, Ashley Graham.
It was always enjoyable and warming when Sera made his cameos, but many will have been taken by surprise at Salazar Castle when he appears with serum to slow down the virus injected into Leon and Ashley - only to be brutally murdered by Osmund Saddler before he can hand it over.
Article by Dan Lipscombe
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