The best Star Wars games for PC gamers

The best Star Wars games for PC gamers

By  Guest - 9th Nov 2020

Our top picks from the hit intergalactic franchise

The best Star Wars games for PC gamers

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, a film called Star Wars was released. This kickstarted a whole industry of Star Wars films, TV programmes, books, and video games.

PC gaming and Star Wars have gone hand in hand since the 1980s, so it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount and variety of Star Wars games. That’s why we’re here, to help guide you into the world of good Star Wars games.

Strap in your droid and holster your blaster, it’s time to look at the best Star Wars games for PC gamers.

Star Wars: Squadrons

Star Wars: Squadrons

Ever wanted to fly an X-Wing? Star Wars: Squadrons is a space-based dogfighting game where you’ll do just that, alongside wingmates and alone as you fight amongst the stars.

You can customize loadouts and cosmetics, divert power between weapons, shields, and engines, all while immersing yourself in the cockpit. In addition, you also have the option to play the entirety of the game in VR!

With a rich single-player mode and engaging multiplayer modes, it’s a worthy successor to the earlier X-Wing games and its surprising depth has won over fans and critics alike.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Before BioWare made Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins, they made Knights of the Old Republic. Taking place hundreds of years before the films, this game dives into the era of the Old Republic, under threat from the Sith.

There’s a reason it’s talked about in reverent tones, this RPG is one of the absolute best Star Wars games for PC gamers, and one of the best RPGs ever made.

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order

Cinematic with deep and satisfying lightsaber-based combat, STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order is one of the best, Star Wars games ever. Set five years after The Revenge of the Sith, Fallen Order sees you take on the role of Cal Kestis in a fight against the Empire. Playing like a cross between Dark Souls and Uncharted, Fallen Order is hugely replayable and one of the best Star Wars experiences out there.

Star Wars: Battlefront II

Star Wars: Battlefront II

Battlefront II launched with the promise that it would fix many of the issues fans had with the previous entry in the series, and it absolutely did. Since its launch there’s been a tonne of new updates, tweaking the game even further and making this multiplayer first-person shooter even better.

It even has its own single-player mode, meaning if you want to do a bit of blasting, you can do it solo.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic

The Old Republic, now free to pick up and play, merges cinematic storytelling and massively multiplayer role-playing systems to make a heady mix. Fully voiced storylines mean no two characters experience the same world or story, and with several expansions and updates under its belt there’s a colossal amount of stuff to see and do.

The Old Republic isn’t just a great MMO, it’s one of the best EA games PC gamers can play.

Star Wars: Jedi Academy

Star Wars: Jedi Academy

Following on from the Dark Forces and Jedi Outcast games, Star Wars: Jedi Academy took a slightly different approach to action and lightsaber combat. Rising from Padawan to Jedi, you take on a series of missions that help power your character up through new Force skills. But it’s the lightsaber combat that really makes this game shine, with an active multiplayer community even today, fighting with lightsabers has never been more precise or better.

Star Wars: Republic Commando

Star Wars: Republic Commando

If there’s one good thing to come out of the prequel movies, it’s Republic Commando. This first person squad based tactical shooter sees you take on the role of the leader of Delta Squad, a group of clone troopers deployed into the war which started at the end of Attack of the Clones. #

What surprised everyone about Republic Commando is that the combat is absolutely tight and satisfying, and the AI of your clone troopers works well too. Republic Commando looks good even today, and plays well too, so it’s definitely easy to recommend.

Star Wars: TIE Fighter

Star Wars: TIE Fighter

Sometimes you want to be the bad guy, and Star Wars: TIE Fighter sees you become a pilot for the Empire flying TIE Fighters, Interceptors, Bombers, and more. What makes TIE Fighter shine even now is its commitment to detail, you’ll manage power levels as you scan cargo for the Empire. It even features fan-favourite character Grand Admiral Thrawn, making this a must-play for any Star Wars fan.

STAR WARS: Episode 1 Racer

STAR WARS: Episode 1 Racer

Above we mentioned that one good thing came out of the prequel movies. Make that two good things. Episode 1 Racer focuses on the podracing seen in The Phantom Menace, and it makes it feel good.

Fast, well balanced, and with the podracers handling incredibly well, there’s a reason it seemed every Nintendo 64 owner had a copy. Now re-released for PC, there’s no excuse not to check it out.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic)

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic)

Now fifteen years old, massive-scale first-person shooting has rarely been better than in Battlefront 2. This game has it all from a huge single-player Stormtrooper-based storyline to huge online battles.

Despite getting a little long in the tooth, Battlefront 2 absolutely holds up, and it’s why it’s definitely a worthy inclusion in our list of the best Star Wars games for PC gamers.

Check out our full range of officially licensed Star Wars PC games available right now on the Fanatical Store!


Article by Alexander McHugh

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