Blood Bowl dev announce new Warhammer game for Steam PC

Blood Bowl dev announce new Warhammer game for Steam PC

By  Sam Jones - 2nd Feb 2018

French developer working on its next Warhammer 40,000-based game

Blood Bowl dev announce new Warhammer game for Steam PC

The developer behind Blood Bowl and Blood Bowl II has revealed details of its next game, based on the same Warhammer franchise, arriving this year.

Cyanide Studio announced today (February 2nd) that the team will be jumping back into the Warhammer 40,000 Universe with turn-based tactical game Space Hulk: Tactics.

Published by Focus Home Interactive, the game will bring a unique twist to the classic gameplay of the cult board game, featuring bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked ships and debris - as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Space Hulk: Tactics will have two narrative-driven campaigns from the points of view of two different factions - one campaign puts you in control of a Blood Angels squad, which allows you to customize and upgrade as you progress - while the other puts you in control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game.

Cyanide Studio have also revealed that the game will use a unique card system, giving players more ways to customize their squad before a match, allowing you to turn the tides of battle with abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

The game's expansive online competitive multiplayer modes, which includes the Genestealers and four types of Marine units - the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels - as playable teams, will also have map creation tools for customizing objectives and sharing with fellow players.

Space Hulk: Tactics will be available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One this year, with more information due to be unveiled at Le What’s Next de Focus press event in Paris next week.

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