Brazilian esports competitors most likely to cheat says study

Brazilian esports competitors most likely to cheat says study

By  Sam Jones - 21st Aug 2020

We're not angry, just disappointed

Brazilian esports competitors most likely to cheat says study

Ah, so this explains why we suck at our favorite games, other people are using cheats to win... why on earth did we doubt ourselves!

The Cheating Countries study - which looks at where in the world gamers are most likely to cheat when playing multiplayer games, based on search volume and trends - has singled at specific nation as the ultimate cheaters, and apparently it's happening over in South America.

According to the survey, Brazilian esports competitors are most likely to use cheat codes, hacks and bots to gain an unfair advantage against others.

Top ten countries with the highest density of cheaters

Top ten countries with the highest density of cheaters

*Image credit: The esports Observer*

The study provides information on the top ten countries with esports players most likely to, shall we say, skip a few corners. They are:

- Brazil

- Georgia

- Iraq

- Pakistan

- Portugal

- Greece

- Bulgaria

- Algeria

- Romania

- Azerbaijan

It also found that Iceland, Panama and Costa Rica claim the lowest density of cheaters, making esports competitors from these locations more likely to be honest about their abilities when playing against others online. The likelihood of gamers cheating has risen exponentially during lockdown, with search engine queries for video games bots rising by 104% between February and June.

Searches for hacks and cheat codes have also risen by 40% and 22.3% respectively. To find out which countries gain an unfair advantage through cheat codes, hacks and bots when playing online, check out the Cheating Countries study.

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