Fallout 4 is About to Get a New Free Update!

Fallout 4 is About to Get a New Free Update!

By  Luz Victoria - 11th Apr 2024

Power-armor suit up! It's time to go back to the Commonwealth.

Fallout 4 is About to Get a New Free Update!

In celebration of the newest Fallout Prime show released, Bethesda is going to start celebrating by bringing a free new update for everyone who loves the post-apocalyptic wasteland! Get your Vault Dweller outfit and prepare to go out into the radiation — it's time to revisit Fallout 4.

Widescreen and Ultrawide Screen

Widescreen and Ultrawide Screen

The first thing that's worth noting about the Fallout 4 changes is the fact that anyone who enjoys ultrawide resolutions will be able to embark into the new journey, this time in one of the most immersive resolutions! Take advantage of the enhanced resolution that'll engulf you into the wasteland and ensure you feel even more part of the apocalypse.

Though Bethesda did not particularly clarify whether that'll be for 21:9, 32:9, or even the monstrous 48:9, we're just happy to see the immersive resolution getting some love. With it running natively, there is no longer need to delve into the mods and get it working to enjoy Fallout 4's wasteland at its full potential, and this alone is already a great change, but that's not all...

Mods, Fixes, and Performance

Mods, Fixes, and Performance

Whether you're enjoying Fallout 4 on the latest, strongest PC and using all of the high-end stuff to travel from Concord to Diamond City or running it on a gaming laptop (we see you), then you'll find something to love! Those who own the game on Steam, Microsoft Store, or GOG will be able to enjoy a slew of bug fixes, mods, and stability updates! 

For those who play in either Japanese or Chinese, the Bethesda.net login issues have been resolved, and you'll now be able to access mods and change the game to your liking! We recommend Darker Nights if you want to feel the true terror of Death Claws breathing down your neck and turn this RPG into something bordering a horror.

And if you're not playing on any of the above storefronts, well we have news: if you love the Epic Games Store, you'll now be able to nab the game in there, too!

Take Fallout On the Go

Take Fallout On the Go

It's finally time — it's time to enjoy Fallout 4 on everyone's favourite handheld PC: the Steam Deck! With this new update, Bethesda has now finally achieved to become Steam Deck Verified on Fallout 4, meaning that it should be entirely playable. It first features a Steam Deck Playable status, but now after this update, it should be bug-free and ready to play through with Verified!

This means you'll be able to take the wasteland with you wherever you want. Or, what I'll most likely be doing: tuning into Diamond City radio while taking long rides — because who doesn't want a little more Travis in their lives?

Even More Content!

Even More Content!

If you thought the good news ended there, well think again! Fallout 4 is getting a bit of new content! From a new quest to various items, there's a slew of new things to explore in the wasteland!

The first thing worth mentioning is the Echoes of the Past! It's a new quest you'll be able to embark on that'll bring the Pre-War cabal (named The Enclave) into the storyline for this title! This dangerous group is spreading and trying to take control of the Commnowealth, and it'll be your job to stop the past from haunting your future.

With this quest also comes a few items for you to acquire!

  • Enclave Weapon Skins
  • Enclave Armor Skins
  • Tesla Cannon
  • Hellfire Power Armor
  • X-02 Power Armor
  • Heavy Incinerator

You'll also be able to use a couple of unconventional objects as deadly weapons! Ever wanted to kill someone with a piggy bank? Me neither, but now I want to! You can now use the following items to wage war on the Commonwealth: a baseball launcher, a nail gun, and a piggy bank. Yes, we're in love with the piggy bank. Yes, we hope we can put caps in it to make it even stronger.

And if you're the type of person that decorates your Minutemen settlements (because Preston just won't stop asking), then you'll now be able to make them even prettier! Decorate the world to everyone's favourite spooky season, Halloween, by using 38 new decorations! From witches to cauldrons and skulls (which we hope are face), it's time to spookify your settlements. In the name of the Minutemen!

There hasn't been a better time to get back into Fallout 4! But before you go: Another settlement needs our help! Wait.. no, come back — I'M SORRY I SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID IT, GENERAL!

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