Final Fantasy XV's Noctis is heading to TEKKEN 7 - New screenshots and trailer

Final Fantasy XV's Noctis is heading to TEKKEN 7 - New screenshots and trailer

By  Sam Jones - 15th Nov 2017

FFXV's protagonist will be playable in Bandai's popular fighting game

Final Fantasy XV's Noctis is heading to TEKKEN 7 - New screenshots and trailer

Noctis Lucis Caelum from the most recent Final Fantasy game has been announced as a playable character in TEKKEN 7 - and will be appearing in familiar surroundings.

The spiky-haired protagonist from Final Fantasy XV, developed and published by Square Enix, will jump over to Bandai Namco's popular arcade fighter to take on the likes of Jin, Paul and Yoskimitsu in the King of the Iron First Tournament.

From the reveal trailer, players will get to perform Noctis' teleportation attacks seen in FFXV, as well as using his trusty Engine Blade sword. Better still, players can feel right at home with the Hammerhead Garage level - a well-known location in FFXV and home to Cindy the mechanic.

The official date hasn't been announced just yet, but players can expect Noctis' arrival in early 2018. In the meantime, Bandai have released some screenshots of the prince and protector of Lucis in action.




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