How to hunt Monster Hunter Stories 2 beasts in real life - A pro hunter's guide

How to hunt Monster Hunter Stories 2 beasts in real life - A pro hunter's guide

By  Sam Jones - 19th Jul 2021

We spoke to a professionally trained hunter to get the insight on how he'd tackle these monsters

How to hunt Monster Hunter Stories 2 beasts in real life - A pro hunter's guide

Professionally trained hunters from the UK, US and across the world have no doubt come across some pretty dangerous animals in their time - but we doubt that they'll have seen or hunted anything quite like a ferocious dragon or prehistoric beast.

After the recent release of Capcom's new adventure RPG Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, which has been praised by critics and gamers alike, we thought to ourselves 'what would happen if some of these beasts made their way into our world, and how would we be able to take them on?'

Fortunately for us, because we had no idea and would probably be eaten or squashed, Peter Jones of the Capreolus Club was on hand to talk us through his tactics on how to tackle some of the game's deadly creatures if he were to come across them on a hunt in real life. Although he doesn't have a Gunlance, Bow or Great Sword to hand, Peter anaylzed a number of the large monsters found in the game and used his expertise and knowledge of realistic hunting weapons to tell us how he'd bring them down.


Firstly, could you tell us a bit more about yourself (position/role at the club) , the club itself, as well as your experience as an expert hunter?

Peter: "Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this, as a professional large game hunter I have never hunted a Barioth, Gammoth or any of the other beasts in Monster Hunter 2, and I hope I never have too!

"Nonetheless, I hope that my experience as a Professional Hunter will give an insight into how a professional hunter might approach these insane beasts!

"Firstly, there is a serious side, deer hunters and large game hunters can sometimes get a bad press, which is a great shame, because hunting is an environmental must and many of those involved, like myself, are lifelong environmentalists, who have committed themselves to the betterment of wild animals. And this is what the two organisations that I work for – Capreolus Club and the Hunting Academy are all about.

"They are about people getting engaged in sustainability, the betterment of species and improving and enhancing biodiversity. They are also about carefully harvesting sustainable, wild, free-range animals for food, without the need to rely on intensively farmed meat or animal agriculture.

"Next time, you are tucking into your Rump steak or leg of Lamb, just think to yourself? Wouldn’t this meat be tastier if I had hunted it myself! The Capreolus Club is a great way to get involved and a great place to start is through the Hunting Academy, through which, via an e-learning platform, you can take the first step in becoming a trained large game hunter! Take a look here if you’d like to get involved."

How did you get into hunting as a profession?

Peter: "Having grown up on a farm I have hunted my whole life, and with a background specialising in firearms as a police officer, I got a unique insight into various weapons. On the way, I also managed to pick up a commendation for bravery… but I don't like to talk about that!

"Over the years, I have managed large animals all over the world and these days also advise zoos on how to manage escaped dangerous animals. Hopefully, this background will put me in good stead when approaching some of the following Monsters!"

Have you heard of the Monster Hunter franchise before, or will this all be very new to you?

Peter: "I have to say, this is pretty new to me, but now that I have found it, there will probably be no going back!"

How would you hunt: Velocidrome

How would you hunt: Velocidrome

Peter: "The problem here is the speed of this beast, if you get too close you've had it. The charge time with those powerful hind legs, will be the blink of an eye!

"So, I am going to have to engage this beast at a distance if I am going to stand half a chance. Only 400lbs in weight so I don’t need my round to penetrate too far, instead, I need it to carry over a long distance.

"A flat shooting calibre, that will carry a bullet hundreds of yards, maybe a 300 Winchester Magnum with a powerful telescopic sight in an accurate, bolt action rifle will keep me away from those sharp claws."

How would you hunt: Gammoth

How would you hunt: Gammoth

Peter: "Those tusks and that enormous weight mean that the Gammoth is thick skinned and heavy boned. It also means that the turn of speed isn’t going to be quite as fast as some of the other monsters.

"I need a short distance big calibre weapon with a heavy bullet that is going to penetrate deep and stop it in its tracks before it can crush me. Maybe a .40 Cal rifle with a red dot, or open sight for short range encounters."

How would you hunt: Barioth

How would you hunt: Barioth

Peter: "This thing flies and moves fast, I need to deal with the eventuality that it may attack me from the air and therefore be a moving target, it’s a tricky one!

"Maybe a pump-action shotgun with a magnum load of SG or LG cartridges and hopefully I’ll get a few shots off before it descends on me from above, if the shot doesn’t penetrate, at least the blast might scare this monster away while I make for cover."

How would you hunt: Anjanath

How would you hunt: Anjanath

Peter: "Here the hunter becomes the hunted, but I know exactly what I am using for this one, I’ve seen Jurassic Park and I like what I saw!

"A double rifle in .500 Nitro Express is the only weapon for an Anjanath. It's got the penetration, the knock-down power and with a double rifle, if you don't get your first shot just right, you’ve got a quick follow up shot to take the monster down before it charges you.

"Speaking of films, you’ll also have seen this type of rifle being used by James Bond in the film Skyfall. If it’s good enough for the professional hunter in Jurassic Park and it’s good enough for Bond, its good enough for me."

How would you hunt: Rajang

How would you hunt: Rajang

Peter: "The African Cape Buffalo is known by hunters and locals alike as the ‘Black Death’. It's bad tempered, aggressive, thick skinned and heavy boned, and the Rajang doesn’t look too dissimilar.

"I am going to have to stop this one at close range with a brain shot to stop a charge, so I need a powerful accurate rifle that is going to penetrate that huge skull, there is only one thing for it. I am using my .416 calibre rifle with solids."

How would you hunt: Diablos

How would you hunt: Diablos

Peter: "Speed, weight, attacks from above and below? I may as well have a pea shooter!

"I hope that you have something in your array of weapons that I don't have, because you are going to have to be quick. Good luck with this one you are on your own!"

An RPG perhaps!

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