HUMANKIND - Meet the civilizations, cultures and eras

HUMANKIND - Meet the civilizations, cultures and eras

By  Sam Jones - 27th Jul 2021

Who will you lead to glory, or demise, in the new 4X strategy

HUMANKIND - Meet the civilizations, cultures and eras

Diplomacy, scientific breakthroughs and conflict... these are but a few of the many scenarios experienced by mankind - or should we say 'humankind' - throughout thousands of years of history.

Through various stages of life, new wonders and technologies were discovered, changing the world forever and allowing future generations to take explore new horizons without limitations. In HUMANKIND, the new 4X strategy from Amplitude and SEGA, you'll get to lead a huge array of civilizations and cultures from their humble beginnings and into a brave, bold future.

But who should you play as? And what benefits or perks does each culture possess for players to take advantage of in their battle for survival? It's time to find out!

Join us as we take a look through the civilizations, cultures and eras of HUMANKIND.

Neolithic Era

Neolithic Era

Nomadic Tribe

Legacy Trait: A Tribe's Legacy (+1 Industry per Population on City or Outpost for Makers: Wattle and Daub, +1 Food per Population on City or Outpost for Farmers: Plant Lore, +1 Science per Population on City or Outpost for Storytellers: Astronomy).

Emblematic Quarter: N/A

Emblematic Unit: Tribe

Affinity: N/A

About: "You stand at a crossroads. For many moons the tribe has trekked the wilderness, slowly, tortuously, learning the secrets of this world: How the materials hidden in the deep places - and in plain sight - might be fashioned to the tribe's advantage; how the beasts and plants of the lands and seas can be most fruitfully harvested; and how myths and stories can glacially but inescapably give power over our greatest enemies, other tribes.

"Now you must decide in what domain the tribe will truly sharpen its knowledge for the ages to come. Will you be renowned as makers, farmers, or charmers?"

Ancient Era

Ancient Era


Legacy Trait: Siege Masters (+1 Land Movement Speed on Unit).

Emblematic Quarter: Dunnu

Emblematic Unit: Assyrian Raiders

Affinity: Expansionist (Gain extra Fame from Expansionist Era Stars for claiming Territories).

About Assyrians: "A culture ready for war, the Assyrians are a fierce, military-focused people with martial prowess driven by the noble classes who seek land and riches."



Legacy Trait: Philosophers of the Wilds (+2 Science per researched technologies on Capital).

Emblematic Quarter: Astronomy House

Emblematic Unit: Sabu Sa Qasti

Affinity: Scientist (Gain extra Fame from Scientist Era Stars for discovering Technology Technologies).

About Babylonians: "With their hearts and minds immersed in their great heaving metropolises, the Babylonians are among the era's great builders, thinkers, and mathematicians."



Legacy Trait: Grand Planners (+1 Industry on District producing Industry, Modify District Industry cost by -10%).

Emblematic Quarter: Egyptian Pyramid

Emblematic Unit: Markabata

Affinity: Builder (Gain extra Fame Fame from Builder Era Stars for building new District Districts).

About: "A culture of divine-touched pharaohs, fertile lands, and dreams of immortality. Unparalleled architects and administrators capable of transforming the land."



Legacy Trait: Fertile Inudations (+1 Food on District producing Food, +1 Food Food on River).

Emblematic Quarter: Canal Network

Emblematic Unit: Runner

Affinity: Agrarian (Gain extra Fame Fame from Era Star Agrarian Era Stars for earning new Population Population).

About: "The Harappans are city planners without peer, cultivating peas and sesame, cotton and barley, by ingeniously channeling the flood waters of the monsoon season for their own benefit."



Legacy Trait: Lust for War (+1 Strength Combat Strength).

Emblematic Quarter: Awari

Emblematic Unit: Gigir

Affinity: Militarist (Gain extra Fame from Militarist Era Stars for defeating enemy Military Units).

About: "A culture that understands the power of steeds for order and battle, the Hittites also seek the valuable ores that will dictate the coming victors and vanquished."



Legacy Trait: Brutal Upbringing (Modify Unit Production cost by -25%, +25% Experience on creating Unit on City or Outpost).

Emblematic Quarter: Cyclopean Fortress

Emblematic Unit: Promachoi

Affinity: Militarist (Gain extra Fame from Militarist Era Stars for defeating enemy Military Units).

About: "Behind the great palatial walls of their fortresses, the Mycenaeans jealously guard their vast stores of artifacts. Militaristic and austere, their champions fight for the gods and glory."



Legacy Trait: Golden Dreams (+4 Money on Luxury Resource deposit, +4 Money on Strategic Resource deposit).

Emblematic Quarter: Meroe Pyramids

Emblematic Unit: Ta-Seti Archers

Affinity: Merchant (Gain extra Fame from Merchant Era Stars for earning Money).

About: "Masters of trade, the Nubians exist at the crossroads of the world, where luxuries like incense, ivory, and ebony are exchanged under the watchful eye of skilled archers."



Legacy Trait: Natural Harmony (+1 Influence on Territory).

Emblematic Quarter: Olmec Head

Emblematic Unit: Javelin Throwers

Affinity: Aesthete (Gain extra Fame from Aesthete Era Stars for earning Influence).

About: "Exploiting the fertile lands around coastal waters and inland lakes, the Olmecs will use their bounties to build striking city complexes brimming with monuments and ceremonial sites."



Legacy Trait: Trading Pioneers (Modify all Constructibles Buyout cost by -20%).

Emblematic Quarter: Haven

Emblematic Unit: Bireme

Affinity: Merchant (Gain extra Fame from Merchant Era Stars for earning Money).

About: "A seafaring culture of fishermen, sailors, and merchants, the Phoenicians will chart the coastlines, their galley holds loaded with textiles and wine, cedar and glass, and more."



Legacy Trait: Harmonious Thought (+2 Stability on District).

Emblematic Quarter: Confucian School

Emblematic Unit: Zhanche

Affinity: Aesthete (Gain extra Fame from Aesthete Era Stars for earning Influence).

About: "Under the mandate of heaven, the Zhou will oversee an era of social, philosophical, and cultural growth the likes of which the world has never seen."


Classical Era

Classical Era

Achaemenid Persians

Legacy Trait: Cyrus' Shadow (+ 2 City Cap).

Emblematic Quarter: Satrap Palace

Emblematic Unit: Immortals

Affinity: Expansionist (Gain extra Fame from Expansionist Era Stars for claiming Territories).

About: "Expansionist to their core, the Persians understand that an empire can stand the test of time if it embraces its citizen's religious and cultural diversity."



Legacy Trait: Horn of Plenty (+10% Money generated from on-going Trade on City or Outpost).

Emblematic Quarter: Great Obelisk

Emblematic Unit: Shotelai

Affinity: Merchant (Gain extra Fame from Merchant Era Stars for earning Money).

About: "A culture enjoying great natural wealth -- living, mineral, and elemental -- with territory from rainy, fertile plateaus to dry, hot seaports, the Aksumites are a trading powerhouse."



Legacy Trait: Hard Bargainers (Modify all Constructibles Buyout cost by -50%).

Emblematic Quarter: Cothon

Emblematic Unit: War Elephant

Affinity: Merchant (Gain extra Fame from Merchant Era Stars for earning Money).

About: "The Carthaginians harbor dreams of a sprawling seaport with quays too numerous to count and wares too marvelous to comprehend. Not many would wager against them."



Legacy Trait: Druidic Lore (+2 Food Food on District producing Food).

Emblematic Quarter: Nemeton

Emblematic Unit: Gaesati

Affinity: Agrarian (Gain extra Fame from Agrarian Era Stars for earning new Population).

About: "Spreading far wide through many green lands and beyond, the Celts are a proud, fierce people who understand well the capricious hand of nature."



Legacy Trait: Nimble Pillage (+5 Combat Strength from ransacking on Army).

Emblematic Quarter: Tumulus

Emblematic Unit: Gothic Cavalry

Affinity: Militarist (Gain extra Fame from Militarist Era Stars for defeating enemy Military Units).

About: "A valorous culture who regard the crucible of the battlefield as the true measure of a person, the Goths are nevertheless spiritual, venerating their traditions."



Legacy Trait: Socratic Methods (+2 Science per Researchers on City or Outpost).

Emblematic Quarter: Amphitheatron

Emblematic Unit: Hoplites

Affinity: Scientist (Gain extra Fame from Scientist Era Stars for discovering Technologies).

About: "The Greeks strive for great advances in the higher virtues of civilization. Art, philosophy, drama, and mathematics are ripe to flourish."



Legacy Trait: Formidable Steeds (+3 Combat Strength on Cavalry Cavalry Units, +3 Combat Strength on mounted Nomad).

Emblematic Quarter: Ordu

Emblematic Unit: Hunnic Horde

Affinity: Militarist (Gain extra Fame from Militarist Era Stars for defeating enemy Military Units).

About: "Ferocious warriors of the wild steppes, the Huns are a nomadic, raiding culture who live for the thrill of battle."



Legacy Trait: Guiding Light (+10 Science per Independent People under Patronage, +10 Faith per Independent People under Patronage on the Capital's Main Plaza).

Emblematic Quarter: Stupa

Emblematic Unit: Samnahya

Affinity: Aesthete (Gain extra Fame from Aesthete Era Stars for earning Influence).

About: "Grand thoroughfares spear through the heart of the Mauryan's homelands, disseminating everything from philosophical ideas to ways of life."



Legacy Trait: Tireless Spirit (+2 Industry on District producing Industry).

Emblematic Quarter: K'uh Nah

Emblematic Unit: Noble Javelineers

Affinity: Builder (Gain extra Fame from Builder Era Stars for building new Districts).

About: "A heritage born of fertile, humid lowlands with healthy harvests of corn and beans, the Mayans are bold explorers of the limits of sculpture, astronomy, and obsidian."



Legacy Trait: Legion's Finest (+1 Unit slot available for each Army).

Emblematic Quarter: Triumphal Arch

Emblematic Unit: Praetorian Guards

Affinity: Expansionist (Gain extra Fame from Expansionist Era Stars for claiming Territories).

About: "Master engineers and soldiers, the Romans bind strong laws and hardy institutions into an enduring framework, tying the many provinces of their lands together."


Medieval Era

Medieval Era


Legacy Trait: Huitzilopochtli's Legacy (Modify Unit Industry cost by -25%)

Emblematic Quarter: Sacrificial Altar

Emblematic Unit: Jaguar Warriors

Affinity: Militarist (Gain extra Fame from Militarist Era Stars for defeating enemy Military Units).

About: "Opulent jaguar warriors who stalk the highlands and cloud forests, the Aztecs possess impressive temples and obsidian blades. Religious rituals, including human sacrifice, ensure the sun's renewal."



Legacy Trait: Master of Whispers (+5% Money per Alliance).

Emblematic Quarter: Hippodromos

Emblematic Unit: Varangian Guards

Affinity: Merchant (Gain extra Fame from Merchant Era Stars for earning Money).

About: "Byzantine markets fines silks are exchanged for precious metals, while in the palaces the influential discuss how they might reprise - and surpass - the achievements of antiquity."



Legacy Trait: Vassal's Labor (+3 Industry Industry on Food Farmers Quarter).

Emblematic Quarter: Stronghold

Emblematic Unit: Longbowmen

Affinity: Agrarian (Gain extra Fame from Agrarian Era Stars for earning new Population).

About: "Beset by many threats, the English unite under the fluttering flag, the holy verses, and the law of the land. Obedience and dedication to lord and liege are paramount."



Legacy Trait: Crown Lands (+50% Food Food on City or Outpost).

Emblematic Quarter: Scriptorium

Emblematic Unit: Franci Milites

Affinity: Aesthete (Gain extra Fame from Aesthete Era Stars for earning Influence).

About: "Guided by their faith and strengthened by their codes of honor, the Franks aim to restore imperial power and leave their mark on the world."



Legacy Trait: Life of Luxury +5 Money per Number of accesses to Luxury Resources).

Emblematic Quarter: Luxuries Market

Emblematic Unit: Meharists

Affinity: Merchant (Gain extra Fame from Merchant Era Stars for earning Money).

About: "In their gold-rich paradise, the Ghanaians stand at a strategic crossroads of the world where they can become unrivaled masters of trade."



Legacy Trait: Servants of Magnificence (+2 Industry per Workers on City or Outpost).

Emblematic Quarter: Baray

Emblematic Unit: Dhanvi-gaja

Affinity: Builder (Gain extra Fame from Builder Era Stars for building new Districts).

About: "Peerless in urban planning, the Khmer's cities and temple complexes are the envy of the world, the towers of their shrines spearing high over the surrounding lands."



Legacy Trait: Mounted Mayhem (100% ransack on Army).

Emblematic Quarter: Orda

Emblematic Unit: Mongol Horde

Affinity: Militarist (Gain extra Fame from Militarist Era Stars for defeating enemy Military Units).

About: "With their hearts set on conquering vast swathes of land - from icy mountains to windblown steppes -- the Mongols are an equestrian culture with deadly ambitions."



Legacy Trait: Stormborn (+3 Naval Movement Speed on Naval Units, +2 Combat Strength on Naval Units).

Emblematic Quarter: Naust

Emblematic Unit: Langskip

Affinity: Militarist (Gain extra Fame from Militarist Era Stars for defeating enemy Military Units).

About: "Seafaring raiders and settlers, Norsemen are a hardy, adventurous people, masters of sailing and shipbuilding, and ready to seize what they can from a world in turmoil."



Legacy Trait: Spurred by Faith (+1 Money per State Religion Followers, +1 Science Science per State Religion Followers).

Emblematic Quarter: Kaiserdom

Emblematic Unit: Teutonic Knights

Affinity: Expansionist (Gain extra Fame from Expansionist Era Stars for claiming Territories).

About: "United under their faith, the Teutons believe they can be a flaming torch that spreads light into the dark corners of the world."



Legacy Trait: Learned Friends (+10 Science per Number of Territories on all Cities).

Emblematic Quarter: Grand Mosque

Emblematic Unit: Haras

Affinity: Scientist (Gain extra Fame from Scientist Era Stars for discovering Technology Technologies).

About: "With many influences of science and literature from both inside and outside the caliphate, the Umayyads are perfectly placed to blend religious conviction with philosophical study."

Early Modern Era

Early Modern Era


Legacy Trait: Stock Wisdom (+2 Money per Traders on all Cities).

Emblematic Quarter: V.O.C Warehouse

Emblematic Unit: Fluyt

Affinity: Merchant (Gain extra Fame from Merchant Era Stars for earning Money).

About: "Striking for the high seas with a growing merchant fleet financed by wealthy backers, the Dutch are well placed to found thriving trading posts across the globe."


Edo Japanese

Legacy Trait: Shogun's Authority (+3 Influence on District)

Emblematic Quarter: Tera

Emblematic Unit: Naginata Samurai

Affinity: Aesthete (Gain extra Fame from Aesthete Era Stars for earning Influence).

About: "In the feudal culture of the Edo Japanese, the daimyos carry out the shogun's will through steely diplomacy and, if needed, by the samurai's blade."



Legacy Trait: Land of Plenty (+2 Food per Farmers on all Cities).

Emblematic Quarter: Three Sisters Plantation

Emblematic Unit: Rotiskenrakehte

Affinity: Agrarian (Gain extra Fame from Agrarian Era Stars for earning new Population).

About: "An alliance of Native American tribes joined in spiritual harmony by their great binding law, the Haudenosaunee are a communal culture who know the land intimately."



Legacy Trait: Tranquil Waters (+4 Science on Lake, +4 Science on Coastal Water).

Emblematic Quarter: Seowon

Emblematic Unit: Geobukseon

Affinity: Scientist (Gain extra Fame from Scientist Era Stars for discovering Technology Technologies).

About: "With a healthy respect for philosophical enquiry, the Joseon are an inquisitive, meritocratic culture always willing to examine their beliefs in the light of new evidence."



Legacy Trait: Grand Secretariat (-20% cost of enacting Civic, -20% cost of revoking Civic).

Emblematic Quarter: Grand Teahouse

Emblematic Unit: Rocket Cart

Affinity: Aesthete (Gain extra Fame from Aesthete Era Stars for earning Influence).

About: "Their beautiful blue-and-white porcelain might speak to timeless crafts, but the far-flung explorations of Zheng He and others mean the Ming are on the cusp of transformation."



Legacy Trait: Imperial Magnificence (+2% Industry per Number of Territories in your sphere of influence on Capital).

Emblematic Quarter: Jama Masjid

Emblematic Unit: Gajnal

Affinity: Builder (Gain extra Fame Fame from Builder Era Stars for building new District Districts).

About: "Inspired by the universal great empires, in the Mughals' splendid cities, peoples of many traditions mingle under monuments of grand design."



Legacy Trait: Sultan's Realm (Modify Attach Outpost cost by -15%).

Emblematic Quarter: Sultan Camii

Emblematic Unit: Janissaries

Affinity: Expansionist (Gain extra Fame from Expansionist Era Stars for claiming Territories).

About: "With ambitions set on far horizons, the Ottomans are eager to bring the world's riches home and see their borders span continents."



Legacy Trait: Deadly Ramparts (+20 Fortification on Garrison)

Emblematic Quarter: Barbican

Emblematic Unit: Winged Hussars

Affinity: Militarist (Gain extra Fame from Militarist Era Stars for defeating enemy Military Units).

About: "A people who know well the primeval forests of the continent, the Poles understand that the shadows offer both shelter and threats, and only military strength underpins security."



Legacy Trait: Honor and Glory (+3 Combat Strength on Units starting their Turn turn in a non-allied Territory).

Emblematic Quarter: Catedral Gotica

Emblematic Unit: Conquistadores

Affinity: Expansionist (Gain extra Fame from Expansionist Era Stars for claiming Territories).

About: "The truths that galvanize the Spanish to cross the great oceans are that the world is full of natural riches to be excavated and religious converts to be found."



Legacy Trait: Silver Tongues (+1 Influence per Number of Trade Routes on Territory).

Emblematic Quarter: Botteghe Di Artisti

Emblematic Unit: Galleass

Affinity: Merchant (Gain extra Fame from Merchant Era Stars for earning Money).

About: "Merchants with a flair for careful diplomacy, the Venetians take great pride in their political intrigues and maritime control, and are open to ideas that come from other cultures."


Industrial Era

Industrial Era


Legacy Trait: Emperor's Hand (+2 Influence on Influence District, +50% Turns before Cities or Outposts are converted by other's Culture).

Emblematic Quarter: Opernhaus

Emblematic Unit: Evidenzbureau Agents

Affinity: Aesthete (Gain extra Fame from Aesthete Era Stars for earning Influence).

About: "From grand opera houses to exuberant coffee houses, the Austro-Hungarians enjoy lively debate on matters philosophical, musical, and literary, powering their society."



Legacy Trait: Colonial Riches (+5% Money per number of Territories on Capital, +5% Science per number of Territories on Capital).

Emblematic Quarter: Colonial Office

Emblematic Unit: Redcoats

Affinity: Expansionist (Gain extra Fame from Expansionist Era Stars for claiming Territories).

About: "A culture of inventors and artists energised by migration, the British are hungry to bring their ideas to the world -- while bringing the world to their shores."



Legacy Trait: Enlightened Thinking (+20% Science).

Emblematic Quarter: Exhibition Hall

Emblematic Unit: Cuirassiers

Affinity: Scientist (Gain extra Fame from Scientist Era Stars for discovering Technology Technologies).

About: "Politics and art are never far from French minds, but it is in the sciences that this culture truly excels, producing world-leading chemists, bacteriologists, and physicists."



Legacy Trait: Iron Ordnance (+3 Combat Strength on Heavy Weapon Units).

Emblematic Quarter: Coking Works

Emblematic Unit: Uboat

Affinity: Militarist (Gain extra Fame from Militarist Era Stars for defeating enemy Military Units).

About: "Industrialization is at the forefront of German culture, whose ambition is to bring the fruits of progress and enlightenment to the rest of the world -- by any means necessary."



Legacy Trait: Inspiring Virtuosos (+10 Stability on Stability Commons Quarter, Modify Stability Commons Quarter Industry cost by -50%).

Emblematic Quarter: Teatro

Emblematic Unit: Alpini

Affinity: Aesthete (Gain extra Fame from Aesthete Era Stars for earning Influence).

About: "Inspired by the triumphs of their past, the Italians are leading a cultural renaissance, synthesizing their knowledge of the arts and sciences in service of future glories."



Legacy Trait: Fields of Gold (+20% Food Food on all Cities).

Emblematic Quarter: Hacienda

Emblematic Unit: Soldaderas

Affinity: Agrarian (Gain extra Fame from Agrarian Era Stars for earning new Population).

About: "The culture of the Mexicans is one of endurance and resistance, revolutionaries and intellectuals, and a deep bond with the land of their ancestors."



Legacy Trait: Mighty Works (Reduces Shared Project Industry cost by -25%).

Emblematic Quarter: Caravanserai

Emblematic Unit: Jazayerchis

Affinity: Builder (Gain extra Fame from Builder Era Stars for building new District Districts).

About: "Reprising the great civilizations of their past, the Persians aim to blend their modern political know-how with traditions of nomadic resilience."



Legacy Trait: Land and Blood (+10 experience on creating Unit per Number of Territories on all Cities).

Emblematic Quarter: Sobor

Emblematic Unit: Cossacks

Affinity: Expansionist (Gain extra Fame from Expansionist Era Stars for claiming Territories).

About: "A proud culture with a grand history, Russia is learning to embrace modernizing tendencies in order to remain an influential superpower."



Legacy Trait: Gilded Orchids (+3 Industry per Traders on all Cities).

Emblematic Quarter: Floating Market

Emblematic Unit: Gatling Elephant

Affinity: Builder (Gain extra Fame from Builder Era Stars for building new District Districts).

About: "Fiercely independent, the Siamese are skilled negotiators who cleverly play the game of thrones so that their magnificent temples stand unsullied."



Legacy Trait: Warrior's Pride (+50% Health regeneration on Unit).

Emblematic Quarter: Warrior's Izindlu

Emblematic Unit: Impi

Affinity: Militarist (Gain extra Fame from Militarist Era Stars for defeating enemy Military Units).

About: "A culture based on martial prowess and ancient traditions, the Zulus will fight to the death to preserve their way of life from invading powers."

Contemporary Era

Contemporary Era


Legacy Trait: American Exceptionalism (+10 Influence on Resources being traded).

Emblematic Quarter: Defense Agency

Emblematic Unit: Lightning

Affinity: Expansionist (Gain extra Fame from Expansionist Era Stars for claiming Territories).

About: "Blessed with unquenchable spirit, the Americans are a young, ambitious culture who plan to leave their mark on everything from running tracks to outer space."



Legacy Trait: Dream Weavers (+20% Industry on all Cities).

Emblematic Quarter: Strip Mining Complex

Emblematic Unit: All Terrain PMV

Affinity: Builder (Gain extra Fame from Builder Era Stars for building new District Districts).

About: "Stepping out of the shadow of their commonwealth history, confident Australians are recognizing all their roots and building a vibrant, outward-looking society."



Legacy Trait: Lungs of the Planet (+2 Food per Farmers on City or Outpost, +2 Industry Industry per Workers on City or Outpost, +2 Money per Traders on City or Outpost, +2 Science per Researchers on City or Outpost).

Emblematic Quarter: Agronomy Lab

Emblematic Unit: Jungle Brigades

Affinity: Agrarian (Gain extra Fame from Agrarian Era Stars for earning new Population).

About: "In a culture famed for its flamboyance and self-expression, it is the vast natural resources from sugar cane to gold, coffee beans to timber, that fuel Brazilian growth."



Legacy Trait: Silk Railroad (+50% Money generated from on-going Trade on all Cities).

Emblematic Quarter: People's Congress

Emblematic Unit: Guardians

Affinity: Merchant (Gain extra Fame from Merchant Era Stars for earning Money).

About: "A culture where economic reforms are slowly bearing financial fruit, the Chinese are swiftly becoming an industrial juggernaut."



Legacy Trait: Valley of Kings (+4 Influence on Emblematic District).

Emblematic Quarter: Archaeological Dig

Emblematic Unit: Free Officers

Affinity: Aesthete (Gain extra Fame from Aesthete Era Stars for earning Influence).

About: "Drawing, both literally and metaphorically, on the riches of their magnificent past, the Egyptians blend cultural knowledge both old and new."



Legacy Trait: Economic Elephant (+10% Money per Number of Territories in your sphere of influence).

Emblematic Quarter: Ashram

Emblematic Unit: Peacekeepers

Affinity: Aesthete (Gain extra Fame from Aesthete Era Stars for earning Influence).

About: "A dizzying culture of a thousand contradictions where entire worlds collide, Indians are masters at steering the chaotic into the productive."



Legacy Trait: Blossoming Innovation

Emblematic Quarter: Robotics Lab

Emblematic Unit: Reisen

Affinity: Scientist (Gain extra Fame from Scientist Era Stars for discovering Technology Technologies).

About: N/A



Legacy Trait: Red Tide (Modify Unit Industry cost by -25%).

Emblematic Quarter: Arms Factory

Emblematic Unit: Red Army Tank

Affinity: Expansionist (Gain extra Fame from Expansionist Era Stars for claiming Territories).

About: "Nurturing a deep-held belief that the fruits of a society's labor should be shared by all, the Soviets aim to spread their ideology to all corners of the planet."



Legacy Trait: Prize Science (+10% Science per Number of Territories on City or Outpost).

Emblematic Quarter: Research Institute

Emblematic Unit: Stealth Corvette

Affinity: Scientist (Gain extra Fame from Scientist Era Stars for discovering Technology Technologies).

About: "Underpinned by a culture of cooperation and social progress, the Swedes possess leading welfare systems, personal freedoms, and scientific discoveries."



Legacy Trait: People's Reforms (+5 Food on District, +10 Stability on District).

Emblematic Quarter: Public School

Emblematic Unit: Stealthy Operative Missile

Affinity: Agrarian (Gain extra Fame from Agrarian Era Stars for earning new Population).

About: "Still seeking a unifying mythology to bring their culture closer together, the Turks draw strength from the land to balance tradition and modernization."

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