Lil Gator Game - what is it about?
Jan 23
Is this cute and whimsical platformer a must-play title?

Lil Gator Game
Lil Gator Game is a cute and charming platformer, where you play as a young alligator who loves to go on adventures and explore the fun and charming island they live on. Their mission is simple: do whatever they can to get their older sister’s attention.
Your little gator won’t be alone on this journey, they will meet up with friends as they traverse the island to help you make an epic game that your sister can’t resist playing. To pull off this huge plan, you have to find all of the gator's friends and complete the quests that they have for you. You will have to save innocent people from “evil slimes”, or help your friend get the perfect photo by climbing a tree to scare the bird on top. Lil Gator is full of personality, a great sense of humour and captures the joys of being a kid.

The island itself is like a giant playground, so you get to skip rocks, walk across phone lines like a tightrope, sled down hills full of autumn trees, and creating make-believe adventures with cardboard enemies. There is a huge variety of activities to do and areas to explore.

Lil Gator Game
Lil Gator was released on the 14th of December, 2022. It is the perfect platformer for players of any age. It is full of fun and whimsy and is a must-play for gamers looking for a relaxing and charming time. Will you be able to create a game your sister can’t resist?