Mortal Kombat Early Access Information

Mortal Kombat Early Access Information

By  Nox - 11th Sep 2023

Are you prepared?

Mortal Kombat Early Access Information

Whether you've been a fan of the Mortal Kombat series from the beginning or recently joined, you might be considering pre-ordering this latest entry. If you've read our edition differences blog, you'll know you can get a whole week of early access, which means you'll get to play the game a whopping whole week ahead of time! If that sounds just like the thing for you, let us tell you a bit about when it starts and what you have to do to get it.

Before we get into the whens and hows of it, let's talk a bit about what this newest entry brings to the table for both veterans and newcomers! In Mortal Kombat 1, the entire story gets reset and revamped through the Fire God Liu Kang; although it might be sad for older fans, it opens up a realm of new possibilities and makes it more accessible to those coming into the game late. Aside from this, the game offers a new single-player game mode is available (called Invasions mode), and there's a new system, aptly named Kameo, where fighters will jump in and assist you in battle!

But enough rambling from me; I'm sure you can't wait to know how. Mortal Kombat 1's early access will be available on the 14th of September, meaning you'll be able to download and boot up the game as if it were launch day! This is a great choice for everyone who can't wait to get their hands dirty in battle. And if the deal isn't sweet enough, you'll also get 1250 Dragon Krystals to get you started and Shang Tsung as a playable character! You can pre-order it at any point until the 19th of September to get the extra goodies.

We hope we cleared up everything about the early access for you!

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