Mount & Blade II Bannerlord - Meet the factions

Mount & Blade II Bannerlord - Meet the factions

By  Sam Jones - 8th Apr 2020

Rulers, units and bonuses - Which of the eight factions will you choose?

Mount & Blade II Bannerlord - Meet the factions

An empire torn by civil war and opposing factions rising up the ranks, it's not going to end well for some in strategy sim action RPG Mount & Blade II Bannerlord.

As with most games that fall into this genre, you'll be tasked with choosing one of eight factions currently available, and depending on which faction you decide to choose will grant you access to different factions and minor factions within, as well as bonuses and different military types. If you're unsure who you'll begin your journey with, or whether you're looking to choose a different faction for another playthrough, we've got you covered.

Here, we take a look at the factions starring in Mount & Blade II Bannerlord that you'll be able to choose from.



Ruler: Sultan Unqid

Minor Factions: The Ghilman, Jawwal

Faction bonus: Caravans are cheaper to build (30%). Less trade penalty (10%).

The Aserai faction consists of desert people who farm on oases, springs and shores of the Great Southern Lake - bordering the Southern Empire, Western Empire and Vlandia. Despite dealing with uneven terrain, this faction specializes in agile, medium cavalry with spears.

It is said that the Aserai faction is based on real life Arab tribes that existed before the Islamic conquests in the 7th century.



Ruler: King Caladog

Minor factions: Wolfskins

Faction bonus: Forests give 10% less speed penalty to parties.

The Battanians faction makes use of its native woodlands in northwest Calradia, ambushing their enemies with specialized forest warfare and longbow men. Battania has no ancestral connection to any previous faction in the Mount & Blade: Warband expansion, though they do have similar characteristics to the Nords.

Khuzait Khanate

Khuzait Khanate

Ruler: Monchug

Minor factions: Karakhergits

Faction bonus: Extra speed bonus for horsemen on campaign map (10%).

Ancestors of the Khergit Khanate, the Khuzait Khanate faction are situated on the North Western point of the map, neighboring Sturgia, the Northern Empire and Southern Empire.

This faction specializes in strong warriors on horseback, including lance and bow-wielding soldiers.

Northern Empire

Northern Empire

Ruler: Senator Lucon

Minor factions: Embers of the Flame, Hidden Hand

Faction bonus: Construction speed bonus to town projects, wall repairs, and siege engines (20%).

The Northern Calradic Empire, as with its neighboring Southern and Western Calradic Empires, specializes in armored cataphracts and skilled archers, as well as deploying heavy cavalry, sturdy spearmen, and skirmishers.

The faction's ruler, Senator Lucon, wants nothing more than for the Senate to resume its right to appoint the new emperor.

Southern Empire

Southern Empire

Ruler: Empress Rhagaea

Minor factions: Embers of the Flame, Hidden Hand

Faction bonus: Construction speed bonus to town projects, wall repairs, and siege engines (20%).

Similar to the Northern and Western Calradic Empires, the Southern Calradic Empire has access to armored cataphracts and skilled archers, as well as deploying heavy cavalry, sturdy spearmen, and skirmishers. However, this is the only empire faction to begin with an female ruler, Empress Rhagaea, a widow of the former emperor.



Ruler: Prince Raganvad

Minor factions: Skolderbrotva, The Forest People, Lake Rats

Faction bonus: Snow gives 20% less speed penalty to parties.

The Sturgia faction lies to the north of the world, home to traders and adventurers. This faction is known for having a violent and warlike mentality, with Sturgian Berserkers and Sturgian Spearman among their ranks.

Be wary, the great powerhouse of the north will not be easy to conquer.

Western Empire

Western Empire

Ruler: Garios

Minor factions: Hidden Hand, Embers of the Flame

Faction bonus: Construction speed bonus to town projects, wall repairs, and siege engines (20%).

The Western Calradic Empire faction, which shares a border with the Battanians and Vlandians, has access to powerful armored cataphracts and skilled archers, as well as heavy cavalry, sturdy spearmen, and skirmishers at their disposal.

This empire is led by Garios, a veteran who would prefer that fellow veterans of the empire choose the new emperor themselves.



Ruler: King Derthert

Minor factions: Brotherhood of the Woods, Company of the Golden Boar

Faction bonus: More upgrade XP to troops from battles (20%).

The Vlandia faction is situated on the western coast of the Calradian continent, ruled by King Derthert. This faction has slightly more territory compared to other factions in the game, but it's more susceptible and weaker to internal dissent.

It's armies boast Vlandian Hardened Crossbowman, Light Infantry and Swordsman. Vlandia is the predecessor to the Kingdom of Swadia, which featured in Warband.

Grab your officially licensed Mount & Blade II Bannerlord Steam PC key right now from Fanatical!

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