New monsters and features revealed in MHW: Iceborne Developer Diary

New monsters and features revealed in MHW: Iceborne Developer Diary

By  Sam Jones - 11th Jul 2019

The latest updates on what to expect from the Monster Hunter: World expansion

New monsters and features revealed in MHW: Iceborne Developer Diary

For an expansion that features a new ecosystem filled with ice and snow, Monster Hunter: World: Iceborne is going to be red hot if the first developer diary is anything to go by.

Capcom and Monster Hunter: World developers Ryozo Tsujimoto, Kaname Fujioka and Daisuke Ichihara have appeared in the first of a number of videos with information on what's to come in the huge expansion for the multi-award-winning action RPG. As well as new monsters appearing for the first time in the New World, there will also be some cool changes made to the game's overall look and functionality.

Here, you can find the full Developer Diary below, which is around 20 minutes long. But for those wanting to find out some of the quick facts, we've listed some key stuff below.

Take a dip in the hot springs

Earlier in the year, it was confirmed that hot springs would play a major part for Hunters exploring Hoarfrost Reach (check out our WeAreFanatical YouTube video for more on that) - and now, Capcom has revealed that the new Gathering Hub will also feature a Roman bath-style hot spring for all to enjoy. You'll be able to relax and have a splash with friends and fellow players online, as well as use the sauna and foot baths for a quick dip for you and your Palico.

You can enter the hot springs and chill with all of your armor on, but there's also a one-click system that will switch to your 'under gear' for a more realistic bathing experience. In addition, Capcom has also improved accessibility within Seliana, the Iceborne equivalent to Astera.

The developer has cut down on loading screens and players can now access the Smithy (blacksmiths) straight from the Gathering Hub, as well as edit their Layered Gear within this area ready for quests.

Join our squad


Similar to the Guild Cards, Iceborne also introduces Squad Cards, which can be created by squad leaders to send to other players, inviting them into the squad. Players who receive a Squad Card invite do not have to be in the same online session and can accept it later on.

Squads can also elect a sub leader who can send out invites and edit the squad emblem.

Squad difficulty balance


This is a much-welcomed addition to the features being introduced with Iceborne. In the past, the game had two difficulty levels depending on the amount of players in a quest - if more than one Hunter joined, the difficulty level would increase.

Capcom has now added an additional mid-tier difficulty, which will help smaller groups - the difficulty groups are now solo-player, 1-2 players and 3-4 players. Better still, if a players drops out or gets disconnected, the difficulty will now adjust to the correct level.

New gadgets for Palicoes


As well as new armor and weapon sets, your furry companion is getting a few upgrades in the new expansion too. New gadgets include a large decoy that looks like those inflatable tube guys that you see outside car dealerships, which will draw a monster's attention away from you in battle.

There's also the 'Meow-cano' which is a jar-like cannon that shoots multiple fire bombs in all directions. The Vigorwasp will get a big upgrade too, which will now be able to instantly revive a Hunter if they faint. Plunder and Trap gadgets are also getting upgrades for Higher Rank quests.

What if my friends don't have the Iceborne expansion?


With the arrival of any big expansion, obvious concerns are raised regarding players who want to continue to play with friends or fellow gamers - but don't have the expansion for whatever reason. The devs have confirmed that players will be allowed to join Low and High Rank quests, so long as the host is a Monster Hunter: World player.

Players who have Iceborne and host a quest will not be able to let non-expansion players join them. Also, players who purchase Iceborne but have yet to complete Monster Hunter: World will get access to new features introduced in the expansion, such as the Clutch Claw and ability to ride smaller monsters.

Spacious room


Furniture and wallpaper can now be changed in your room, you can change the color and style of said furniture, but you can't move it. New furniture and accessories can be unlocked by completing quests and deliveries.

Capcom also plans to add additional furniture in future updates, most likely via seasonal events like the Autumn Harvest Festival. There will also be a Deluxe Furniture Set, which changes the room's foundations from predominantly wood to more of a castle stone effect, giving it a medieval look.

Further post release plans include allowing players to visit each other's rooms!

What a view!


Another brand new feature that has been popular among some of the big developers and publishers is a 'photo mode' - allowing players to take screenshots of characters and environments. View Mode will allow players to gather Hunters and Palicoes together for photos, while also changing their poses. It's not clear whether this will be available in actual quests and, to be honest, you'd be pretty annoyed if your teammate was taking photos and not helping you fight a giant deadly creature!

New monsters enter the New World!


Enough about furniture and hot springs, you're here to see some more awesome beasts roaming across Hoarfrost Reach and other ecosystems available in Monster Hunter: World. Two sub-species of creatures currently available to hunt and capture in MHW have been confirmed, Fulgur Anjanath (pictured) and Ebony Odogaron.

Glavenus was also confirmed to appear in new expansion, a hostile Brute Wyvern that first appeared in Monster Hunter Generations. Although it didn't appear in the trailer, eagle-eyed gamers have already spotted would could be signs that Brachydios will be included in the expansion.

The trailer shows a Hunter confronting a Uragaan during a cutscene, with the Uragaan covered in what looks like a shiny green slime. The slime then explodes across Uragaan's head and body - and gamers think that this is the work of Brachydios, due to a powerful chemical reaction that occurs once the slime has detached from its body.

You can find out more about these beasts in our Monster Hunter: World - Iceborne: New large monsters confirmed so far.

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