New Publisher Alert! 

New Publisher Alert! 

By  Luz Victoria - 23rd Feb 2023

A New Publisher Has Joined Fanatical

New Publisher Alert! 

A brand-new publisher has joined our increasing roster of awesome games! Introducing our new partnership with Ravenage, we are proud to welcome them to our lineup with four of their fantastic titles. Learn more about them below!

The Crackpet Show

It's time to get famous! Sign the contract and take part in the most violent TV show in existence! Use every tool at your disposal to survive or die trying in this epic and hilarious roguelite shoot-'em-up! Invite your friends, invite your colleagues, and invite your enemies to work together or beat each other up to take the best power-ups.

Equip yourself with the strongest weapons from a selection of dozens, get perks, and items, and embark into dangerous randomised worlds to fight against fearsome bosses. Because who wouldn't want to play as a pink bunny rabbit that is the harbinger of death itself?


The holiday is over and it's time for you to go back to your job: being a bouncer for a nightclub and using your necromancy abilities to bring down the drunks of the club. 

Come back stronger every time to delve deeper into the drunk-filled dungeon by changing your outfit — including various perks — get new powers, and even use the knowledge acquired from previous runs to delve even deeper! Time to eject the troublemakers from the premises.

Dwarven Skykeep

Get ready to defend your castle! Dwarven Skykeep is a strategy title and mixes in deck-building with a card system to raise your tower. Start your game, build your defences, and fend off the hordes of goblins, envious wizards, and enemies!

Strategise and improvise with your deck of cards as you build and defend your castle in real-time against foes of enemies that would sooner see it fall. Can you juggle everything, complete the sidequests, and survive the onslaught of enemies that come your way?

Masterplan Tycoon

Enjoy a resource management title stripped to its basics to create a relaxing and enjoyable title with Masterplan Tycoon, Ravenage's upcoming title, releasing this month! Build a quarry beside a mountain, then continue your connections throughout the world! Simple enough, right?

Little by little, create a system centred around the largest logistics system possible! Make mistakes, rearrange, and go again. Mistakes aren't fatal and won't lead to game overs — just try again and enjoy the journey.

This is just the beginning, and we are hopeful and excited to welcome Ravenage into our lineup and to continue working with them to bring you Fanaticals their greatest titles! What are you waiting for? Check out the ones available now!

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