Relive the 'end of Fortnite' with the meteor crash video

Relive the 'end of Fortnite' with the meteor crash video

By  Sam Jones - 14th Oct 2019

The end of Season 10, but is it THE end?!

Relive the 'end of Fortnite' with the meteor crash video

You might have seen an increase in hysterical children/adults running around confused, angry and upset over the last 24 hours or so - and there's a pretty clear reason for it.

Popular battle royale title Fortnite took its recent live event to another level, by dropping a giant meteor on its map and zapping everyone into a dark abyss. The 'The End' event was due to see the Season 10 come to a close, with fans expecting to jump into Season 11 pretty sharpish. But millions of gamers have been met with emptiness and a feeling of loss - the game is not currently playable and nothing has been confirmed if or when the game will return.

Okay, on a serious note we're pretty confident that this ISN'T THE END OF FORTNITE - so please don't fret. There's already numerous rumors circling online regarding 'Fortnite Chapter Two' which by the look of things will introduce a brand new map.

The official social media channels are currently livestreaming, erm, nothing as the screen is still focused on the small glimmering black hole in the distance.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet tw-align-center" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="und" dir="ltr">... <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Fortnite (@FortniteGame) <a href="">October 13, 2019</a></blockquote>

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Epic Games and People Can Fly have even gone to the extreme of wiping every Tweet from the @FortniteGame Twitter page besides the live stream video.

Watch the big moment below

IGN were on hand to record live footage of the big event, in which it appears the classic Fortnite map has now disappeared. A number of rifts appeared in the sky before a moment of calm, followed by a number of rockets and the huge meteor hurtling towards the center of the map.

Oh, and for those worrying about their in-game gear, both Nintendo and PlayStation have confirmed that 'players inventory items and V-Bucks are secure' via their customer service teams.

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