The best aliens in video games

The best aliens in video games

By  Sam Jones - 1st Jan 2020

From horror to humor - our pick of video game aliens

The best aliens in video games

Aliens; they're up there with the likes of zombies, werewolves and other well-known monsters that have appeared in TV shows, movies, comics and video games.

We're yet to see alien life on earth, so there's no real indication of what aliens may look like (if they're out there) and how many species live beyond our reach. It's fair to say that game developers have been creative when it comes to portraying what aliens are - how they look and how they act - opting for powerful, deadly creatures which feast on humans or disintegrate them with B-Movie inspired ray guns.

It's hard to choose which is your favorite from video game history, but we've made a start with our top pick of aliens and alien-genred games.



Most famous for its appearance in the Ridley Scott Alien movies, the Xenomorph terrified us - and continues to do so in video games such as Alien Isolation.

The Xenomorph uses a combination of stealth with deadly weaponry in the form of a sharp tail and teeth which shoot out from its inner jaw. To reproduce, they rely on smaller aliens - dubbed as 'face-huggers' - to find live hosts to lay their eggs in.

Alien Isolation was the first game to truly explore the suspense of escaping the Xenomorph, with an impressive AI system that tests your survival instincts.

Yautja (Predator)

Yautja (Predator)

Another alien famous on the big screen as well as the video game world, Predator is one tough cookie. The Predator is one of the more hi-tech monsters from distant worlds - using a camouflage cloaking device to turn invisible, as well as a shoulder cannon and sharp retractable blades on its wrist.

In both movies and video games, The Predator clan has a history with the Xenomorphs and has come face to face with them in Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000 and Aliens vs. Predator (2010).



Lurking aboard the Talos I space station are the Typhon, a hostile breed of alien in the 2017 released Prey. They have a slimy, oil-like appearance which reminds us of Venom from the Spider-Man comics.

Typhon's size and shape range from small arachnid-like creatures to large humanoids and floating orbs, making them a formidable opponent if you just so happen to be the last survivor on a spaceship with them - but what are the chances of that happening, right?



Humans arrived on E.D.N. III to begin the colonization process for a new home, a chance to mine for new resources and, above all, a fresh start - but what they didn't expect was an all-out war with the Akrid.

This dangerous alien breed varies from human size to gigantic beasts that could tear cities to the ground. The Akrid appear in all three Lost Planet games, the latest being Lost Planet 3 (2013), in both open-world and boss-type fights - so prepare for some grueling encounters and pack plenty of ammo!

Abe (Mudokon)

Abe (Mudokon)

Credit: Oddworld Inhabitants

Googly-eyed, lanky and pretty darn hilarious - Abe (Stitch-Lips) put the Mudokon alien species on the map way back in the 1990s in Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee. The game follows Abe as he attempts to free fellow workers at the RuptureFarms meat-packing plant, after overhearing the company's board discussing plans to use Mudokons as meat due to animal stock shortages.

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, which was remastered in 2015 under the name Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty!, has a dark but humorous feel to it - and fans of side-scrolling games will love it.

Necromorphs (Dead Space)

Necromorphs (Dead Space)

Credit: Visceral Games

In 2008, Visceral Games introduced an alien species that would leave gamers on the edge of their seats. The Necromorphs are mutated and reanimated corpses of those they have killed, predominantly crew members aboard spaceships like the USG Ishimura in the original Dead Space game.

Despite the fact that protagonist Isaac Clarke has a range of weapons and tech at his disposal, players will no doubt run into a fight with one of the several breeds of Necromorphs where it won't end well - with gory cutscenes when Isaac has sustained too much damage and is killed in horrific fashion.

Expect jumps and heart-racing moments.

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