Top 10 Netflix shows that should be games
Jul 19
We take a look at what Netflix shows we'd like to see games for

With the new series of Stranger Things being released today, millions will be tuning into Netflix to binge watch Eleven and the guys tackle what is set to emerge from the upside down.
What you may not know is that also out today is the new Stranger Things 3 game, which is the official companion to the hit series. Playing through recognisable events from the series as your favourite characters, this game blends retro art style with modern mechanics, and is sure to fill the Stranger Things hole that left once you’ve smashed every episode over night.
The game is set to be the first release by the hit entertainment streaming site, and with no comments on if gaming is a realm they will be moving into, it got us thinking...What other Netflix series do we want games for?
1. Black Mirror

Now in its successful fifth series, Black Mirror is a contemporary reworking of ‘The Twilight Zone’ where every episode is different. Much like Quantum Break, we see Black Mirror working well as a story rich game, with the added twist of being horror/ thriller based.
Black Mirror tends to hone in on current affairs and real life topical matters, so perhaps an episodic series with the live action element used in Quantum Break would make this game an ‘edge of your seat’ kind of experience.
2. Glow

Glow is definitely a combat game waiting to happen, rather than the more serious WWE wrestling games, we see this one being a little more fun to echo the comedic value of the series. Perhaps having the ability to unlock and choose random outfits for your players with points for showboating and acting too; rather than just HP hits.
Played as single-player or multiplayer, we definitely think Glow has the potential to be an excellent fighting game.
3. Orange is the new Black

We think there’s definitely an opportunity for a Grand Theft Auto type open world RPG style game here. Taking a character of your choosing through the prison, interacting with fellow inmates and completing missions.
Orange is the new Black definitely has all the components needed to create a game full of action and humour. What would make this game even better, would be if the different characters unlocked different missions as well as receiving different reactions from the other inmates - so that every time you played you got a completely new game play experience.
Alternatively, this could be a new expansion for the likes of strategy sims Prison Architect or The Escapists, where characters from the TV show live within the same cell block as your character.
4. Tidying with Marie Kondo

Although often not considered as ‘serious gaming’ you can’t deny there’s a place in the world for games such as Viscera Clean-Up Detail and Goat Simulator. Since Tidying with Marie Kondo hit the screens earlier this year, we think this would be the perfect simulation game for anyone that gains a sense of calm from organising their lives - real time or simulated.
There’s scope within a game like this to share your achievements and photos of your rooms online with your community, as well as receiving tips from Marie herself that you can apply to your actual homes.
5. You

We think a game on You has scope for the gamer to either play as Joe or Candace, and depending on which character you chose, you get a completely different game. Playing as Candace will see you trying to elude and survive from your new found stalker - where as playing as Joe takes on a more sinister twist as you play as the bad guy, using your skills to track down and ‘win over’ the object of your affections.
Or perhaps a game where you play as both, but however good you are at the first character makes the game play even harder for the second one.
6. 13 Reasons Why

We see 13 Reasons Why as a detective mystery game like non-supernatural version of Life is Strange. Playing as Clay you’d move through the game looking for cassette tapes to uncover the source of Hannah’s passing. The 13 Reasons Why storyline has everything to create a really great detective game.
Moving through the neighbourhood and talking to different characters in order to piece together what really happened; whilst avoiding bullies such as Bryce.
7. House of cards

House of Cards lends itself perfectly to being real-time strategy game, playing as Francis Underwood. We’d imagine that you’d have to build up your inventory of allies and states in a race to the top of Congress. We see this game mechanic working similarly to diplomatic-led strategies like Stellaris or Total War, but still including the uber coolness of the hit Netflix series.
8. Santa Clarita diet

Probably wouldn’t be your typical zombie survival game, but hey, it’s time for something a bit different when it comes to this genre. Similar to how the game play works for the Garry’s Mod Murder game mode, you could play as Sheila trying to hunt down your next victim whilst simultaneously not getting caught. As the game progresses, either through your errors or bad clam consumption, more undead people appear which you have to take care of to keep your family safe.
Bonus points for collecting Mr Ball Legs!
9. Umbrella Academy
Similarly to how we see the game for 13 Reasons Why could work, Umbrella Academy would be more of a story game, where you play as the main protagonist ‘Number Five’ - working with your siblings to save the world from the apocalypse whilst simultaneously trying to uncover the mystery surrounding your adoptive fathers death.
Having the ability to jump through time adds an interesting dynamic to the game that could operate similarly to Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. Giving you the ability to manipulate outcomes, and making decisions to save or sacrifice for the greater good in order to complete your mission.
10. Narcos

This first-person shooter game would see you playing as Javier as you move through the streets of Mexico taking down small time drug dealers for information, helping you work your way up to taking down the Colombian Kingpins. We see Narcos being very similar to how L.A. Noire plays with just as much emphasis on the story as there is on the combat.
Here’s hoping that it doesn’t take seven years to make like ‘Noire did!