Total War: PHARAOH Edition Differences and Pre-order Bonus

Total War: PHARAOH Edition Differences and Pre-order Bonus

By  Nox - 10th Oct 2023

Let me help you find the perfect edition for you!

Total War: PHARAOH Edition Differences and Pre-order Bonus

The latest entry to the Total War franchise, PHARAOH, is set in ancient Egypt and puts us on the throne when the country is at the zenith of its power. In this grand strategy game, our job is to survive every obstacle that threatens to take everything down, and we've got plenty at our disposal to do so. Of course, before you can jump into this fantastic new title, you have to choose the edition you want, and I'm here to help you figure out which one is the best one for you! Starting with…


At the time of writing, Total War: PHARAOH is still not out, and you still have a chance to take home the pre-order bonus. This is a fantastic option for those who like cosmetics, as you'll get the Avatar of the Gods Cosmetic Pack, which includes a unique skin for each of the playable factions (a total of eight) and the Heart of Shardana Cosmetic Pack, which gets you Sherden outfits for bodyguard units! This is a great way to start off your conquer of war with style.

If you pre-order Total War: PHARAOH, you'll get:

- Avatar of the Gods Cosmetic Pack 

- Heart of the Shardana Cosmetic Pack

Standard Edition

Moving on to actual editions now, we've got the first and most basic one, the Standard. Of course, there's not much to say about this one, as it only includes the base game and nothing more; that's not to say it's a bad deal, of course! But if you just want to get the game and enjoy its full vanilla experience first, this is your option! 

If you buy the Standard Edition of Total War: PHARAOH, you'll get: 

- The base game.

- Avatar of the Gods Cosmetic Pack (pre-order)

- Heart of the Shardana Cosmetic Pack (pre-order)

Deluxe Edition

Next up is the Deluxe, which aside from saving you 10% off, will add some extra spice to your purchase. Aside from getting the digital soundtrack to enjoy the game's epic tracks outside of playing it, you'll also get a taste of the Faction Pack DLCs! In total, there are three upcoming plus the Campaign Pack, and they'll all be revealed in the roadmap post-launch. 

If you buy the Deluxe Edition of Total War: PHARAOH, you'll get:

- Save 10% 

- The base game.

- Digital soundtrack.

- Faction Pack DLC 1.

- Avatar of the Gods Cosmetic Pack (pre-order)

- Heart of the Shardana Cosmetic Pack (pre-order)

Dynasty Edition

Aside from having a cool name, the Dynasty Edition also saves you a total of 25% thanks to all that it brings! Since you get everything mentioned above and more, this is the best option for everyone who is excited or already a fan because it packs such a big content punch! If you want the most out of the game and your money, this is unbeatable.

If you get the Dynasty Edition of Total War: PHARAOH, you'll get:

- Save 25%

- The base game.

- Digital soundtrack.

- Faction Pack DLC 1.

- Faction Pack DLC 2.

- Faction Pack DLC 3.

- Campaign Pack DLC.

- Avatar of the Gods Cosmetic Pack (pre-order)

- Heart of the Shardana Cosmetic Pack (pre-order)

That's all the information! I hope I've helped you find which one you'll be getting.

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