Check this out if you might need tips for management!
Two Point Campus
Because I've never been able to get into management sim games, Two Point Campus was quite the challenge at times. Perhaps it was due to my noobness or maybe the things that stumped me were just not that obvious to solve — whatever the case may be, from my head scratching and experimenting have come many tips and tricks that helped me get through many difficult obstacles in the game. Today I am here to share them with you! Without further ado, here are five tips for Two Point Campus.
1. Go Slow
This may be an obvious one, but when I first started the game, I was trying to pump out quests nearly as soon as I'd get them. Once I realised that, unless they had a timer on them, they could be completed over multiple decades, the game became much more manageable. Ideally, you don't take many years to finish them, but nothing bad happens if you do, so don't worry, relax, and enjoy the game.
2. Use The Tools Offered By The Game
One of the things I failed to do during my playthrough until quite a ways in was use all the tools available to better make decisions and advance. Two that come to mind are the visualiser, which helped me complete the 75% attractiveness mission on Noblestead, and the box with all the information about the room. When you click on any area, a pop-up appears that shows all kinds of important statistics, like how many people can be in it, how many staff members currently work there, as well as different meters for attractiveness, temperature, prestige, etc. Make sure to get used to using all of these simple yet important tools, it'll save you some headaches.
3. Learn The Menus
While we're on the subject of menus, I suggest you start learning what every button, graph, and pop-up is for, because there are many of them and they're all there for a reason. Because I was too lazy and overwhelmed, I took too long to put my brain to these informational menus, and ended up losing a bunch of time because of it. Hover your mouse over things, click on icons, explore all the tabs; learn your way around and you'll find that the game is highly customisable for basically everything.
4. Use The Extra Space
Two Point Campus tends to ask you to have multiple classes of the same one subject, and they usually end up very big and taking up a ton of space. Not only because of the enormous machines used in some of them, but also because the classrooms get more items added to them as the years go by. Because of that, I would sometimes get overwhelmed by the lack of space and wiggle room until I figured out I could expand the pre-existing campus buildings. Although there isn't a ton of space and expanding it will take away some of the beauty of the areas, you won't even notice because they're at the very back of the building where no one goes, and you probably won't decorate it either. But those two or three extra squares of room could save you from hair pulling when you're running out of space.
5. Build Bigger Dorms
I'm not sure if this one is obvious or not, but when the students are unhappy with their rooms, that doesn't mean they want 12 more. One (or two) large ones will satisfy them more than enough, and you'll end up getting a lot of money back from their increased rent. Additionally, if you make them big enough and their happiness increases dramatically, they'll also be adding some extra bucks just through their learning XP.
That's all the tips I learned during my playthrough of Two Point Campus! I hope that these were useful to anyone struggling, and if you're reading these articles to figure out if it's a game for you, I hope it helped you realise it's awesome!