What You Need To Do Before You Can Play Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

What You Need To Do Before You Can Play Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

By  Dylan Pamintuan - 28th May 2022

Prove you can take on Master Rank!

What You Need To Do Before You Can Play Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

The long-awaited DLC expansion to Monster Hunter Rise is releasing on the 30th of June, adding in more monsters, equipment, and a new difficulty: Master Rank. However, the Sunbreak DLC content is not automatically available from a fresh save file.

In order to access the DLC, you must complete the 7-star Hub Quest “Serpent Goddess of Thunder.” This isn’t the final story quest but you will need to be sufficiently far enough into the Multiplayer to unlock it, and Thunder Serpent Narwa is an Elder Dragon, so the fight against her is not going to be easy.

So, here’s a quick guide to taking down this monster so you can charge straight into Sunbreak.

Now, onto preparing to hunt Thunder Serpent Narwa herself.

Now, onto preparing to hunt Thunder Serpent Narwa herself.

As in the name, her main element is Thunder and she’ll inflict Thunderblight. Bring Nullberries or have enough Thunder resistance (about 25 points) to ignore Thunderblight all together. The elements that she is weak to are Dragon and Blast so bring weapons that have those on them. Most importantly, bring friends or send out a Join Request. Other hunters make this quest so much easier, or at least gives Narwa some other targets to go after while you take moments of calm to heal, sharpen, or reload.

I also recommend bringing along an Ancient Potion and Max Potions. Just in case.

Once you’re ready, accept the quest and get going. In the camp area before you use a wirebug to get to the arena, use that moment of calm to use any buffs you have, either from items or from a Hunting Horn. If someone is packing a few skill points in Wide Range, you won’t even need to worry about keeping your Attack and Defense Up. Every little bit helps.

In the actual fight, you’ll need to play aggressively. Dealing enough damage with any weapon will cause Narwa to fall to the ground, leaving it vulnerable. If you want to deal the most damage, aim for the head and her thunder sacs as they are her main weak points. Also, take advantage of the area itself. Narwa will occasionally create platforms and form ballistas, cannons, and machine cannons so use them to deal more damage. There is also a Dragonator and a Splitting Wyvernshot. They won’t be ready from the start, and you only get one use of each superweapon, they should be used when Narwa isn’t moving, like when she’s floating and sending out thunder rings.

Other than that, it’s all about timing when you attack and when you dodge. Watch her tells, pay mind to her thunder rings, and keep yourself and your friends alive, and she’ll be down before 30 minutes have passed.

Congratulations, you’re now ready for Master Rank! Don’t let it get to your head, though, as there are plenty of monsters prepared to triple cart you if you aren’t careful.

It’s time to take the dive into Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Happy hunting!

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