Plus Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang arrive in March 23rd update

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne - DLC
Hunters, get ready for a new challenge as the Blazing Black Dragon is paying a visit to the New World later this year!
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne hosts a huge range of ferocious monsters that already challenge even the most equipped and skilled Hunters to roam these parts, but with the arrival of 'fans favorite' Alatreon, the bar is being raised once more!
Capcom has released a teaser trailer of Alatreon for its next big free title update, which will see the Third Generation beast taking the total tally of large monsters in the critically-acclaimed action RPG to 69. This Elder Dragon is elementally unstable, which means that it can harness four different elemental types (Dragon, Thunder, Fire and Ice).
It has two large horns, powerful front claws with sharp scales as armor as well as large wings and a powerful roar similar to Teostra and Lunastra. Predominantly (and based on previous Monster Hunter entries), Alatreon will only use its Ice and Thunder elements while in the air, sending huge ice crystals and thunder down on its foes.
When will Alatreon be arriving in MHW: Iceborne?
What we know so far is that Alatreon will appear in the game from May 2020, so not too long to wait. It's unclear at this time whether the Steam PC version of the game will see a delay as seen with previous updates where the console version tends to receive content first.
In previous games, Alatreon has been fought in the Sacred Land, an area within the volcanoes of the old map. Giving the previous locale, we suspect that Alatreon will appear in the underground sections of the Elder's Recess, as well as the Volcanic Region of the Guiding Lands.
We expect more news on Alatreon from Capcom next month ahead of its arrival in May 2020.
March 2020 update
While you wait for the infamous Alatreon to arrive, Capcom has launched its latest update for Iceborne today (March 23rd). The key arrival in the March update (third free title update) are variants of Rajang and Brachydios. Furious Rajang is always in its golden enraged state, which some Hunters have had the dis-pleasure of experiencing with the normal variant - this version can also perform new mid and long range attacks.
Unlike the base form, Furious Rajang doesn't have a tail, which is usually a weak spot when Rajang enters rampage mode. With this variant, Hunters will need to aim for the head!
Raging Brachydios is a larger, slower version of its base variant, however its slime is extremely volatile. It can also trigger explosions across a much wider area - and attacking the active parts of the body can stagger it.
When certain conditions are met in battle, Raging Brachydios will head to a specific area of the map and will perform a powerful attack which sets the entire place ablaze, restricting the use of Farcasters and preventing you from leaving that specific area - so make sure you've packed some Cool Drinks!