Game releases 2018 - The round-up

Game releases 2018 - The round-up

By  Sam Jones - 30th Oct 2017

Which PC games you should have on your wishlist

Game releases 2018 - The round-up

This year has been pretty damn good for gaming - with huge game releases such as Horizon Zero Dawn, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, Middle-earth Shadow of War, Prey and Destiny 2 dominating the charts. There was also a smattering of awesome indie titles including the super addictive (and strangely terrifying) Cuphead, Heat Signature and Factorio to enjoy.

It looks to be just as good - dare we say better - when it comes to 2018 game releases, so we thought we’d throw together a round-up of the ones you need to add to your must play list.

Far Cry 5

We loved what we saw at this year’s E3, when Ubisoft shared its latest instalment of the Far Cry franchise. The game is bringing things back to the modern day.

You’ll be infiltrating a cult that’s taken over the fictional town of Falls End and you’ll be pleased to learn that you can use everything at your disposal to finish the fight. You can get tactical, sending off a sharpshooter to pick off enemies while your trusty dog Boomer stays by your side and goes for the throat.

Expect high stakes gameplay, hours spent perfecting your headshots and even have your buddy in a plane tag along and shoot down everything in your path.

Release date: February 27th, 2018

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

This platform game was actually crowdfunded to push it towards development and is Koji Igarashi’s newest concept since Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. It’s been delayed a couple of times but we think the wait is definitely going to be worth it and hopefully 2018 will be the year it’s finally released.

Expect a modern take on SoTN’s gameplay with the classic floaty and slower movements, plenty of monsters to battle and probably a pair of ginormous breasts or two on the big bosses. The backgrounds are more detailed than ever though, while still embracing Igarashi’s famous gothic style - it’s a 2018 game release we can’t wait for.

Release date: March 2018 (fingers crossed)

Crackdown 3

Crackdown 3 is totally over the top with more explosions, guns and muscle than a Chuck Norris movie. It’s been majorly delayed though - it was supposed to be released in 2016 and again in 2017, with the date shifting as progress is stunted.

When it comes to this latest release though, you basically play as a cop in a city filled with criminals and head out on duty with a huge arsenal of weapons, ready to take down crime bosses and gangs without hesitation. You’ll also be enjoying some serious new tech, with a suit that allows you to leap between buildings or pick up cars and play catch with enemies.

It’s going to be great fun - when it finally comes out.

Release date: Early 2018


We might not be getting another Advance Wars game anytime soon but for now we’ll make do with this potential 2018 game release brought to you by developer Chucklefish. Wargroove features a classic overworld map with fun battle animations to enjoy, as you make your way through taking down enemies with turn based gameplay.

There are 12 campaigns to take on, as well as online and local multiplayer options making it an all rounder that gives you something to play, whatever mood you’re in.

Release date: Early 2018

A Way Out

This game caught our interest because it only offers one way of playing via a co-op split screen. You can either team up with a mate on the sofa or log online and play with a stranger, each person taking on one of the characters Leo or Vincent and working together to break out of prison.

You and whoever you play with will have to work together to make things go smoothly - we imagine if someone deviates from the plan, things will go wrong pretty fast and getting to the next stage will be even harder. It’s a fun concept though that we can’t wait to try.

Watching the trailer kind of reminds us of the opening scene of Uncharted 4, when Nate and his brother are trying to break out of prison - the game does actually look like something Naughty Dog might put out too, with great visuals and main characters with plenty of mouth.

Release date: Early 2018

Sea of Thieves

Developer Rare is back - you know, the guys who made classics like Goldeneye, Donkey Kong and nearly every other beloved game from your childhood - with a new game release that is hopefully coming in 2018. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game but it’s also an online multiplayer where you work with other players to loot ships, explore new lands and fight off enemies.

Oh, and there’s ship to ship battles to try out too - with lots of cannons and sinking other players vessels. You can either join a game with some friends or try and find people who have the same idea about living like a pirate as you.

If not, it could be a very long game. You can set out on your own but it’s hard work as you need to man the ship single-handedly and fend off any enemies who come along. It’s a 2018 game release definitely worth adding to your future playlist.

Release date: Early 2018

Darksiders 3

The third instalment of the Darksiders franchise sees Fury, one of the four horsemen (women) of the Apocalypse having to come topside because the seven deadly sins have escaped and are wreaking havoc on earth. It’s been five years since Darksiders 2 so we’re pretty excited about this latest instalment hopefully arriving next year.

We can expect to enjoy the same open world exploration vibe from before but the character Fury brings with her some fun magic-based fighting styles, as well as a spiky whip to sort any enemies out. It’s got some Devil May Cry vibes about it when it comes to gameplay and themes which can only lead to good things.

Release date: TBC 2018

Psychonauts 2

Another retro title, you say? It won’t take you long to remember that ‘shooting things is fun and useful’, as Psychonauts 2 is planned for release in 2018 and looks to carry on the same awesomeness from the 2005 title. Haven't played the original? Grab it now at

Development on the second game was actually announced way back in 2015, so we aren’t going to pin all our hopes on release next year - but hey, we can dream for now. The gameplay possibilities have been blown out of the water with the developers thinking up whole new ways for you to play.

There’s potentially going to be cloning abilities to try, so you can send a version of Raz ahead to scout ahead and there’s also telekinesis options so you can move objects around while moving - exciting stuff and definitely a must have for your wish list. Let’s just all pray together that it actually comes out next year.

Release date: TBC 2018

System Shock - Remastered

This reboot of the original System Shock game will bring back those creepy memories of the first time you played - if you could handle a keyboard and mouse in 1994 - as you try to escape the Citadel Station. The remaster is actually being funded via kickstarter and the developers have pulled in experts who have worked on a range of game titles including Fallout: New Vegas, Mass Effect and Bioshock to ensure it meets expectations.

System Shock is like a mashup of all the great horror and suspense games, such as Prey, but with the scary machine overlord vibes that you get when playing Portal. It’s enough though to tide us over until System Shock 3 finally comes out.

Want the remaster to come out sooner? You can pledge here or just give System Shock 2 a play for now.

Release date: TBC 2018

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