Why You Should Play Undecember
Oct 22
And perhaps, you should, too!

Fun free-to-play titles can oftentimes be hard to come by and are some of the most sought-after products in the industry. After all, who wouldn't love the opportunity to play a phenomenal game that doesn't cost anything at all? One of the latest to join this roster is none other than Undecember, an ARPG much like Victor Vran, but with character-building aspects similar to (though more open-ended than) Grim Dawn.
Good ARPGs are hard to come by. The Diablo franchise, Grim Dawn, and Victor Vran ARPG have all set exceedingly high expectations for the genre, each with their own unique gimmick that makes them stand out. Undecember follows a similar pattern as the others, though it does so differently.

First of all, Undecember's building system is drastically different from others within the genre. Whilst ARPG titles usually have a class-based system that dictates which attacks you have, Undecember allows you to use any attack that works with your equipped weapon, oftentimes meaning you can take spells into the fray with you. As you progress through the game, you will complete quests that reward runes that you can slot; each gives a special attack, bound to the right-mouse-click button and the Q, W, E, and R keys. Unlike in other games, where these attacks are abilities, some of them can be auto attacks that you can use to fight foes, meaning that every new rune you get is exhilarating. The way the abilities work allows you to have some that are not specific to your weapon, such as spells that don’t require armaments like staffs and wands to cast them, meaning you can take a sword (or axe, in my case) into battle and play as a battle mage. The level of customisation is insane, as you'll be able to also slot a particular rune with little connectors that each rune has to buff your character, making it very RNG-based, and since I love grinding for the correct item, this was a massive plus for me.

The second reason why you should try Undecember is that the game is completely free. Although it has a store with microtransactions that allow you to solve some of the issues the game has, including bigger inventory space and convenience stashes, these are commodities that you don't necessarily need. You can pay to get some items upgraded and help you out with poor RNG, but everything you can buy (power-wise) you can also acquire in-game without spending a single penny! Being able to play Undecember for free means that you get to experience the game and make your own decisions — you get to choose whether it’s worth your money and how much you spend, and chances are, it will surprise you. Even if you don't like in-game stores, you just might be shocked at how much fun you have with it — no one is making you buy, although the option is always there in case you choose to! As far as free-to-play titles go, Undecember does a great job at keeping gameplay compelling, and the microtransactions aren’t enough for me, personally, to give up on the game — any second of enjoyment Undecember gives you is free, and if you decide to spend, you get to choose how much!
So, what are you waiting for? Try out Undecember on Steam now! There is no excuse not to try it, seeing as it’s a free-to-play game — best-case scenario, you walk away with a title you absolutely love!
Gameplay Trailer
This is a sponsored article in collaboration with Line Games