JavaScript Bundle 4th Edition

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About this Bundle

JavaScript programming remains one of the key technologies of the World Wide Web and the ability to develop, build and maintain effective interactive web pages and web applications is a key skill set in today's job market

In our latest concise JavaScript Bundle 4th Edition, we’re offering 6 full Javascript books with 5 being all new to Fanatical.

This fixed low-priced collection contains a selection of new books from beginner guides through to advanced practice and more with JavaScript from Beginner to Professional leading the way.

Learn the fundamental stages of working with JavaScript and how to best implement it into your day-to-day work and projects with Clean Code in JavaScript and how to program for both customer-facing uses and the needs  of your back office with JavaScript from Frontend to Backend

Discover how to take advantage of common cryptographic operations to build safer apps with Essential Cryptography for JavaScript Developers.

Building Your Own JavaScript Framework will show you how to craft elegant and well-structured software frameworks in a variety of JavaScript environments and the 

Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming specifically explores techniques to simplify coding, apply recursion, perform high-level coding and more

Start working smarter, not harder with better web development skills and knowledge of JavaScript 

The eBooks included in this bundle are available in EPUB and PDF formats.