Kali Linux Bundle 3rd Edition

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About this Bundle

Master computer forensics and advanced penetration testing and security with the updated Kali Linux Bundle 3rd Edition

This fixed price eBook collection contains 8 titles and will help you get to grips with the Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing, computer forensics and reverse engineering and more.

New to the bundle, The Ultimate Kali Linux Book is a comprehensive guide for those who are new to Kali Linux and penetration testing that will have you up to speed in no timE, Using real-world scenarios.

Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing is another new edition: Explore red teaming and play the hackers game to proactively defend your infrastructure, learn about the latest email, Wi-Fi, and mobile-based phishing techniques and much more.

The Kali Linux Cookbook will introduce you to the concept and psychology of Social Engineering and password cracking and show you how to use these skills to expand the scope of any breaches.

Also new to the bundle is the Digital Forensics with Kali Linux; updated with real-world examples and detailed labs to help you take your investigation skills to the next level.

Additional books covering Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux, Ethical Hacking, AWS Penetration Testing and more complete this updated book bundle.

All eBooks included in this bundle are available in EPUB and PDF formats.