Make: Fun & Games Bundle
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Make: Edible Inventions
Believe it or not, there's a lot of inventing going on in the kitchen. Unless you only eat fruits and veggies right off the plant, you are using tools and techniques invented by humans to make food more tasty and easier to digest. When you cook food, you start to break it down into a form your body can absorb. When you add chemicals to make it thicker, gooey-er, or puffy-er, you turn a bunch of boring ingredients into a mouth-watering snack. Edible Inventions: Cooking Hacks and Yummy Recipes You Can Build, Mix, Bake, and Grow will show you some unusual ways to create a meal, and help you invent some of your own. Projects include:
- 3D printing with food
- Chemical cuisine and molecular gastronomy
- Prepared foods like jellies and pickles at home
- Growing your own ingredients
- Cooking off the grid
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With 17 all new-to-Fanatical books from the Make community, we are proud to announce our next compilation of original, creative, maker inspired books. This time covering the exciting, innovative and just outright fun aspect of designing, building and developing your own Make: Fun & Games projects.
For makers, these books are the ultimate tool library and the Make: Fun & Games Bundle, offered in three easy tiers, is designed for all ages and skill levels, from complete beginner to seasoned Make community builder.
Tier 1 offers up 4 great books from the wonder of music and sound creation with the Make: Analog Synthesizers to the intriguingly titled Make: Edible Inventions.
Onto Tier 2 and here are another 5 books with the incredible beginner's guide to really great magic making: The Maker Magician's Handbook.
Make It Glow offers 21 simple LED-based projects to begin with and then increasingly complex ones for the younger maker while two books covering Robot builds take the next step: Robot Magic and Making Simple Robots, (2nd Ed)
All 17 books are found in Tier 3 and it’s where the full-packed value of this awesome fun bundle lies.
The global phenomenon that is Minecraft is explored within Minecraft for Makers: Here is the opportunity to take familiar objects from the game and make real-world versions of them. Begin with simple crafting projects using wood, paint, and LEGOs. Then move up to projects that involve basic electronics with LEDs. And, finally, advance to Arduino microcontroller projects that teach programming skills and basic robotics. Follow that last level up with Make: LEGO and Arduino Projects
Make: Props and Costume Armor will show you how to create great costume, armor, and all the props you need using a 3D Printer and more home tech and if the great outdoors and all things airborne is your thing; design, build and fly your own projects with Make: Planes, Gliders, and Paper Rocket