Puzzle-Palooza Bundle

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About this Bundle

Dust off your thinking caps and get mesmerised with this selection of brain-busting puzzles.

Our new Puzzle-Palooza Bundle packs a mind-melding collection of 24 all-new-to Fanatical puzzle packs in three tantalising tiers with difficulty levels for all players.

Tier one jumps in with a beloved global classic, Sudoku. The act of simply inserting nine numbers into a grid can be very challenging.

Also included in tier one is Dominosa: Here you have a given grid of numbers. All you have to do is lay out the dominoes so they match the numbers without duplicating or missing dominoes. Sounds easy right?

Tier 2 Ramps up Logic goodness with a selection of fiendishly good fun.

Rack your brain around Fillomino. A fun logic puzzle where the challenge is to add numbers to all the cells and also unlocked in this tier is Purenrupu: Push your brain to its limits, making a single loop through all the cells.

Tier three is where you will find the best value and greatest challenge for your mind. With the complete 24 packs unlocked here, you can put all your puzzle skills to the test with puzzles such as Akari, an awesome new type of puzzle where you must light up every white cell.

For that extra Sudoku challenge, take your tried and tested skills to the next level with KenKen. An arithmetic take on Sudoku.

Finally, if you’re maxxed out and wish to take a break from all this logic, you will find a collection of more soothing (perhaps) maze puzzles for you to relax with.

All packs come with full answers provided and all packs are supplied in PDF and Jpeg formats. 

You can also print and play or use software such as Sketchbook to upload and play. 

Link to the products license can be found on the following link: CLICK HERE