Samurai Legends by Koike Bundle

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29 Awesome comics
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Tier 1 - Pay £0.95

Tier 2 - Pay £4.69 - Including products above

Tier 3 - Pay £7.49 - Including products above

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About this Bundle

Kick back and relax with this newly compiled collection featuring plenty of Kickass Katanas and sensational Samurai, with the Samurai Legends by Koike Bundle. This action pack bundle features tales of revenge, honour, Ninja’s and more sword fighting than you can wave a Naginata at. 

Crafted from the iconic Kazuo Koike and featuring some of his best work.

Tier one offers an introduction to three sensational series: discover the first two volumes of Samurai Executioner and Path of the Assassin and the 1st volume of Lady Snowblood.

In Samurai Executioner you will discover the life and tale of  Kubikiri Asa, the only Samurai equal to the legendary Itto Ogami Lone Wolf from the Lone Wolf and Cub series. 

Get swept up in his adventures and trials before his encounter with Lone Wolf.

Tier 2 cuts deeper with all of Tier 1 included together with a further combined 8 volumes over the 3 series.

Continue the epic tale of Path of the Assassin, and unravel the story of Hattori Hanzo the Ninja Master of Legend. With a duty to protect Tokugawa Ieyasu, both of them are so closely intertwined as we follow Hanzo as he learns new experiences whilst also handling the tasks of protecting the young Shogun.

Tier 3 is where you find a deal sharper than any sword. You will unlock all the products from the previous tiers along with the remaining volume to complete all three amazing series. 

Here you will get to experience the conclusion of the tale of pure vengeance in Lady Snowblood: Yuki Kashima is a daughter born with one singular purpose: to enact revenge on the gang of thugs who killed her family.

A story beautifully brought to life with stunning action and detail, this brilliant tale would go on to inspire Quentin Tarantino’s blockbuster Kill Bill films.