Space Horror Games
Embark on a thrilling, terrifying journey into the unknown with the "Space Horror" genre of PC games. These immersive titles, like "Aliens: Colonial Marines Collection", "Prey" and the iconic "System Shock" franchise, plunge you into far-reaching realms teeming with cosmic mysteries, spine-chilling atmospheres, and otherworldly entities. Navigate the unnerving desolation of "Lifeless Planet Premier Edition", fend off lethal extraterrestrials in "Aliens: Fireteam Elite", or get your heart racing with the chilling "Moons of Madness". Games like "HYPERVIOLENT" and "DOOM 3" blend intense action with a dark, atmospheric setting, while "Outer Wilds" and "Returnal™" offer a more mysterious, exploration-driven experience. But the horror never stops: you could suddenly find yourself in a creepy, spaceship-bound nightmare in "RIPOUT" and "Scars Above". Make decisions that could determine your character's fate in "Aliens: Dark Descent", solve ominous puzzles in "Observation", or even step into the shoes of the famous Time Lord in "Doctor Who: The Edge of Time". And after a hard day's work of surviving the horrors of space, why not relax with a bit of, well, 'mess' management in "Viscera Cleanup Detail"? Whether you're new to the genre or a seasoned survivor, you're sure to find your next heart-stopping adventure in the world of Space Horror.