TL;DR: New movement destroys gameplay making it too easy. Only recommended if you found base game too difficult
This DLC's playable character Hel has a jump and a mid-air dash which take you about ten times as far as the Ghostrunner of the main game. This destroys the whole gameplay. You can literally jump everywhere, there are no restrictions anymore. Carefully placed wallrun walls don't even matter anymore since you can easily jump past them. The boundaries of every room are easily reachable and you can jump up so high that you get blocked by the invisible ceiling. While the world felt like a cyberpunk city in the main game, here it feels like a small box you are trapped in. Also they scrapped the coolest movement trick of the main game, a dash-slide-jump doesn't give Hel super fast speed. Enemies don't feel threatening anymore, but like mere cannon fodder because of Hel's movement. You can even take them out from afar with almost non-stop blade projectiles (Surge). It is much less rewarding than the base game because it is much easier.
The level design is staggered by many shield walls to be unlocked, often unclear path to progress, dumb puzzles where you hit switches to unlock the way and if you didn't get it right you're moving back and forth for a couple of times getting you out of flow and by stupidly reachable secrets which are dangling before you behind a locked door and you don't get any hint how to get there, but have to move like 30 dashes away, jump down a totally random death pit and enter a small duct in the wall and move back again to get there.
Though, the story is ok and has a cool ending and the music is very cool!
Only recommended if you found the base game too difficult and want to have an easier leisure time.