About this DLC
Take a shadowy flight into Knight Rider™ K.I.T.T. Construction Kit for Planet Coaster.
The Knight Rider™ K.I.T.T. Construction Kit features in-game replicas of K.I.T.T., K.I.T.T. in Super Pursuit mode, and the evil Knight Industries prototype K.A.R.R. with silver and black finish.
With the Knight Rider™ Construction Kit all three vehicles will be made available in-game as 1:1.2 scale scenery pieces and 1:1.8 scale ‘kitbash’ models which can be disassembled and re-assembled
however you choose. The Knight Rider™ Construction Kit also includes a karting replica for the ‘Speed’ go-kart track, backlit logo sign and bonus animated FX pieces.
Champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless and the powerless in Planet Coaster today!
Karting Replica
• Miniature K.I.T.T. kart for ‘Speed’ karting track.
1:1.2 scale scenery pieces
• K.I.T.T. vehicle
• Super Pursuit K.I.T.T. vehicle
• K.A.R.R. vehicle
1:1.8 scale kitbash construction set
• Six-piece building set for building K.I.T.T., Super Pursuit K.I.T.T. and K.A.R.R.
Ride Sign
• Large backlit Knight Rider™ logo sign scenery piece
Themed FX pieces
• Explosion
• Bullet impacts x 2