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Dishonored 2 takes place 15 years after the events of the original and multi-award-winning title, Dishonored. Take control of either Corvo Attano, the royal protector, or Empress Emily Kaldwin and set forth on a journey past Dunwall into the dazzling city of Karnaca.
Take control of either Corvo Attano, the protagonist for the original title, or the brand-new playable character, Emily Kaldwin, as you set out on a journey to recover Emily's power and take back what's rightfully yours. Each character brings their own unique voice lines and reactions to each event in-game, allowing you to get a feel of both of them individually!
Decide how you'll approach every scenario by choosing your preferred approach to combat. Stealth past all of the guards and complete your quest with minimal bloodshed, or wield the raw power of both of the protagonists and assassinate everyone in your way and leave a city in the wake of destruction. Alternatively, choose your targets carefully and fight through some enemies whilst sparing others — there are consequences to leaving a path of destruction, and it'll be up to you to decide which ones, if any, are worth their cost.
Explore the rat-infested streets of Dunwall, the exotic coasts of Karnaca, and numerous other smaller areas and districts, each with their own unique stories and lore to uncover. Explore smaller areas, such as the Dust District or the mansion of a madman, and see just how much depth there is in each new location of the world!