Resident Clunk
There's a certain amount of charm in this first person survival horror title but it is sorely lacking in some quality of life design.
- The character moves like a drunk battlemech wading through tar. There are moments when your legs are trying to orient to your upper body position, especially when crouching (this all seems like something that shouldn't even be a consideration but it is) that makes movement feel very clumsy.
- There's a delay after certain commands and animations where your character will not respond to further similar prompts such as weapon switching. You might only want to pull the camera out for a quick look into the otherworld to open a path but you are locked into that choice for a while which gets pretty egregious in combat.
- A canned animation plays when switching weapons. This is something that experienced devs do once when equipping a weapon for the first time and never again, you don't need to see it more than once and it gets in the way in combat when trying to use the right weapon for an encounter.
- Unskippable cutscenes, very annoying when you have to keep retrying bosses aiming for the no damage achievement. EDIT: You can skip them in NG+ making no hit runs better suited for NG+, however if you were having difficulty with an encounter on NG you'd still have to watch the cutscene when reloading a save.
- No load save button in pause menu, have to quit to main menu to load (again most annoying for above achievement).
- There's a dedicated button for using the camera but you also have to have it equipped to a quick slot otherwise the camera button doesn't work so you essentially have to have it on 2 hotkeys. There are 4 quick slots and 4 weapons, plus the camera makes 5 things in need of quick slots; the inventory expands so it can hold all these which makes this oversight questionable.
As I said there is charm here, the hotel makes for an interesting enough location to explore especially with the alternate versions of rooms when viewed through the camera. The premise is mysterious enough to keep me interested. Just be aware of the rough edges.