Let’s get the obvious out of the way. From the game’s very title, to the background music, the items, visuals, themes – everything is a homage to the infamous save rooms from the Resident Evil series.
And much like the save rooms from Resident Evil, you need to juggle your inventory, combine herbs into more powerful healing items and even reload your ammunition in order to preserve precious inventory space – which is the entire premise at play here.
Taking that gameplay loop from its inspiration and making an entire game of it is bold of developer Fractal Projects – not the least for which Capcom are notoriously ready with lawyers for anyone attempting to co-opt their Intellectual Property.
Save Room skirts that surface fairly closely, using a tangram puzzle to sort an inventory to continue to the next level. With just 40 of these levels, you can complete Save Room in less than 2 hours, which makes it an easy recommend for those looking for a simple and fun puzzle.
Where Save Room differs from other tangram and tetromino games is its adherence to its inspiration and its simple idea of combining items together to make things fit. Combining different herbs to make powerful healing potions, or combining different powders to create different ammunition will scratch your puzzle itch and scratch your head as you find the order and the requirements needed to progress.
Additionally, there are even items that may hurt or heal the player – such as bad meat and eggs, and realising that using a combination of these items in the correct order will than allow you to have enough space to fit all your items is a fun addition to the gameplay which also helps set Save Room apart from similar titles.
My only real complaint and yours will likely be the short length and the repetitive music. But both are really explained away by understanding that Save Room doesn’t overstay its welcome. As each level progresses they layer in more items, more combinable items and more complexity to the gameplay – even though it never gets truly difficult.
With its short length comes the inevitable question of value, but a look at the games cost should surely quash that argument. Fractal Projects had a vision and a goal to make a short fun puzzle game that has a very clear inspiration and have succeeded in doing so. For the low barrier of entry, this is worth your time.