The Evil Within was the textbook example of an overly ambitious but unfocused franchise starter. Its sequel, meanwhile, is an astoundingly focused title with all the ambition finally harnessed solely to the experience's benefit. While I do regret that using matches on enemies is removed in lieu of just TLOU-style stealth stabbing, this is still, by far, one of the best implementations of modern survival horror in years. In a heartbeat, it can go from feeling like Resident Evil to Silent Hill without anything going out of step tonally or thematically. The horror is as artistic as it is chilling, the combat is razor sharp without being clunky, and by being its own IP, The Evil Within 2 has far less nostalgia baggage than almost any other horror series, letting it finally explore ideas other games would get flack for trying. Though the story is still campy nonsense about a horror version of The Matrix, it's at least better told and endearingly silly. For the absolute bargain you can get it for these days, it's no question - if you like survival horror and believe gameplay in survival horror shouldn't be a chore? Pick up The Evil Within 2!