For fans of both Dark Souls and Bloodborne this game with scratch that SoulsBorne itch.
While short (about 8-20 hours, depending on skill and optional side missions), what levels it does have have a good use of scenery and decent level design, if a tiny bit confusingly laid out, and the few bosses offer a good challenge without being unfair.
The is an unfortunately lack of enemy variety, with out about 5 enemy types outside of minibosses, which even then are mostly just powered up normal enemies, though it isn't very noticeable in normal gameplay. Each level does spread out the enemies well enough that its doesn't get repetitive.
The major mechanics that stand out from other Souls-like games are that enemies have a dual health bar which each respond better to different types of attacks, and that every enemy, bosses included, have a special weapon that can be stolen from them and used by you, and even unlocked permanently. There is a skill tree is similar to that of Sekiro, which does have admittedly few paths, but offers a little variety and replayability, though the general leveling up offers very little to worry about
There are a couple of warnings I'd like to present in terms of progression. Some minibosses will fully heal if you kite them too far from their spawn location, and you won't be able to hurt them, so keep near their spawn when fighting them. And learn both the parry timing and dodge timing, as some enemies and bosses respond better to dodging and others to parrying.