I'd give a middling Thumb position, as the game is hard to rate. It is a game I have wanted for a long time, and I purchased this with their previous title. I won't go into a description of the game, but I will disagree with those that rate this higher than "Order of Battle" or "Panzer Corps 2". Yes, you can put more than one unit in a hex, and yes this can be beneficial to attack and defence…theoretically. I come from a background of 40 years of PC gaming, and I have never seen a unit of cavalry destroying a Panzer Mk. III in cover in one turn. Order in a Stuka to attack infantry in open ground, and score just one point off their strength. The game is so unbalanced it is hard to play, without gritting teeth. The RNG is dreadful. In all of these sort of games, you are shown the preicted outcome of an attack, and usually it is close but rarely exact. In this game, it is always what is predivted, so don't think you might get a lucky roll, even on the easiest setting, because you won't. Speaking odt the easietst setting, good luck on achieving your goals to reach 3 Stars.