Build your own Capcom Bundle (BundleFest 2025)

Feast your eyes on Capcom’s ground breaking games and franchises. Fill your gaming world with action, adventure, beat’em ups, side-scrollers, inimitable horror and intense hack and slash.

About this Bundle

Fanatical brings you the Build your own Capcom Bundle, featuring an earth-shattering collection of Steam PC games from one of the biggest names in video games.

With over 20 games to choose from, covering a whole host of genres, this exciting collection showcases some of the absolute finest games ever created.

You’ll want to get your hands on The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective.

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Digital Deluxe, the Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle and Street Fighter titles are all must-have arcade fighters.

If platformers and side-scrollers are your thing, then we heartily suggest picking up Mega Man 11, and one or more of the Mega Man X and Zero/ZX Legacy Collections.

Got a hankering for action? You’ll be needing Dead Rising 4 - Frank's Big Package, Onimusha Warlords, and a choice of Devil May Cry titles.

We didn’t even mention Resident Evil. We have now. You’re welcome.

And. So. Much. More. We really are good to you.

There are even 15 games rated verified or playable, compatible with your glorious Steam Deck.

Take your pick, build your bundle and walk away with a legendary haul.


* All games supplied as official Steam keys. Available only while stocks last.

** Number of Games rated Steam Deck Verified correct at the time of bundle launch. Fanatical can’t take any responsibility for Steam Deck verification ratings which may vary over time, for example when a game is updated by the developer.