Ultimate Python Computing Build Your Own Bundle

The Ultimate series from Fanatical and Packt Publishing is a new collection of best-selling IT subject areas with a selection of some of the best of subject books.
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About this Bundle

The Ultimate series from Fanatical and Packt Publishing is a new collection of best-selling IT subject areas with a selection of some of the best of subject books.

Python remains one of the most widely used programming languages in the world and is used in everything from machine learning to multimedia and games development, website building, software testing and more to cover all those choices, we’ve designed this exciting and packed offer as a Build Your Own Bundle, meaning that you can simply pick and choose which books you require, either to complete your collection or to plug a specific gap in your learning.

We start with Learn Python Programming, 3rd edition; this comprehensive look at the basics and more of coding with Python is the perfect introductory guide. Clean Code in Python shows how to write clean code and how it plays a key role in Python programming. 

Python for Geeks will teach you how to advance in your career with the help of expert tips and tricks while Dancing with Python helps you learn Python and quantum computing in a practical way.

The Python Workshop is a project-based book course designed by a team of expert authors to get you up and running with Python by working through engaging projects as you go and the all-new Python Real-World Projects empowers you to get to grips with crucial Python concepts while building complete modules and applications.

Python offers access to advanced metaprogramming features that you can use to build high-performing applications; Metaprogramming with Python will show you how.

There are many books for the more advanced user or those aspiring to learn more: Advanced Python Programming is a fairly self-explanatory title but take a look also at Expert Python Programming Fourth Edition and then books covering deep learning including Python Deep Learning, Advanced Deep Learning with Python and Hands-On Python Deep Learning for the Web along with several others.

Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Python; Third Edition will expand your understanding of key structures, including stacks, queues, and lists, and also show you how to apply priority queues and heaps in applications.

We finish here with a related and very hot topic right now:  Exploring Deepfakes and some seriously advanced reading with Deep Learning for Genomics and Production-Ready Applied Deep Learning but there’s much more to explore here in this bumper 27 title bundle of all things Python!

Available in PDF and ePub format